
Why should organisation's start caring about Metaverse ASAP?

You've probably heard of the term "Metaverse" before, but what exactly? The Metaverse is a virtual world that exists as a layer on top of the physical world, and it's made up of numerous interconnected virtual spaces that people can visit. Imagine it as a giant online multiplayer game where people can interact with each other and digital objects in real-time.

So, why should your corporation invest in the Metaverse? Here are three good reasons:

1) The Metaverse is a great way to boost employee morale and productivity.

2) The Metaverse is an excellent platform for marketing and advertising.

3) The Metaverse has the potential to revolutionize the way we do business entirely.

1) The Metaverse is a great way to boost employee morale and productivity.

When employees are happy and engaged at work, they're more productive. And what better way to engage employees than by giving them a fun and stimulating environment to work in? In the Metaverse, employees can attend virtual team-building exercises, company-wide events, and even after-work social gatherings without ever having to leave their desks. Not only will this boost morale, but it will also increase productivity by keeping employees tethered to their workstations. Win-win!

2) The Metaverse is an excellent platform for marketing and advertising.

The Metaverse offers a unique opportunity for companies to market their products and services in a new way. For example, imagine holding a virtual trade show or product demonstration where attendees can interact with your products or services in real-time. Or what about creating an interactive 3D tour of your company's headquarters that prospective customers can take from the comfort of their homes? The possibilities are endless—they're all extremely exciting from a marketing standpoint.

3) The Metaverse has the potential to revolutionize the way we do business entirely.

The business world is changing rapidly, and those who don't keep up will be left behind. TheMetaverse presents a unique opportunity for companies to stay ahead of the curve by doing new business. For example, imagine being able to close deals remotely by shaking hands with avatars representing your clients or suppliers. Or what about holding board meetings in virtual reality, where directors can walk through proposals and run simulations before making decisions? Again, the possibilities are endless—and they're all extremely exciting from a business standpoint.

As you can see, there are many good reasons your corporation should invest in the Metaverse. Not only is it a great way to boost employee morale and productivity, but it's also an excellent platform for marketing and advertising. Plus, the Metaverse has the potential to revolutionize the way we do business entirely. So what are you waiting for? Invest in the Metaverse today!

An Important Conversation About Networking, Staying Ahead of the curve in 2022 and beyond

Last week, I arranged for a small meet-up with my industry connections over breakfast. It was an exciting process that led to the breakfast meet-up, where I had first to muscle up and prepare a list of individuals whom I would like to call for the meet-up and would share more details in the blog, but what took me by surprise that initially, 20+ individuals said yes however on the day only 7 of us showed up. While some can say it was disappointing from a turnout perspective, from my point of view, it was a pretty good turnout. I did, though, get my friend Ronny Sequeira (Top 10 photographer in India) to come and share his learnings in creativity and what we can apply in business skills. What didn't please me, though, is that many folks backed out because they didn't seem to network being important or had other conflicts.

It got me thinking, why don't people network? Is Networking essential or relevant in 2022? The answer is very much a big "Yes." With so many changes and advancements in technology, the way we do business is changing too. And with so many new and innovative ways to connect with people and companies, Networking will be more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve. During that day, I learned so much from the individuals who had shown up during the event. More importantly, it became an extensive learning exercise rather than just an excellent breakfast and coffee.

If you haven't read the book - "Never Eat Alone," I would highly recommend you do so as it teaches you so much about networking and mastering the art of it. Thanks to my Podcast guest - Deepshika Kumar, who not only introduced me to the author Keith Ferrazzi but also gifted me the book.

The last two and a half years have taught me that just resting on my past laurels doesn't help me in my current and future path. I need to constantly learn not from the knowledge in the digital world but also others, as each of us has our share of learnings and perspectives, which collectively can be massive to help us prepare for the future.

“But why Networking in Business is the biggest question?”

Staying ahead of the curve in business

Today's DUCA (Disruptive, Unpredictable, Complex, and Ambiguous) environment is not helping us, as there are no past data or scenarios which are helping us to analyze the current and also help prepare for the future. Suppose you are a business person and or part of the organization. In that case, it is imperative that we are ahead of the business to plan, execute and reap the benefits of our endeavors. However, staying two steps behind or in line with the business doesn't help the company, employees, consumers, partners, and other stakeholders. One must have enough empirical data and qualitative inputs to stay ahead of the business. Staying ahead of the business helps build confidence in your day-to-day activities and strategic priorities, thereby allowing you to be more successful as a leader and executive of the company.

Networking abilities empower you to stay ahead of the curve.

Networking with like-minded individuals from your industry or even different industries would allow you to gather a ton of qualitative data points which would enable you to excel and ensure that it helps you stay ahead of the curve. With technology and other elements like AI changing so rapidly, keeping up with all sources we have is just unimaginable. More so, prioritizing what would impact and what wouldn't further be a dilemma for each of us.

Networking is essential for staying ahead of the curve because it allows you to learn about new technology and advancements as they happen. By being in contact with other professionals and businesses, you'll be able to get a head start on adopting new technology and using it in your own business. Networking is also essential for building relationships and connections that can help you in the future. When you need help or advice, you'll have a network of people to turn to.

Some tips on what I have learned from Networking:

Networking is one of the most important things you can do to stay ahead of the curve in 2022. Here are a few tips on how to network effectively:

1. Make an excellent first impression. When you meet someone new, make sure you come across as friendly and approachable. Smile and make conversation, and try to find common ground.

2. Don't be afraid to reach out. If you see someone you want to connect with, don't hesitate to reach out to them. Introduce yourself and offer to help them with whatever they might need.

3. Follow up. When you meet someone new, follow up with them afterward. Stay in touch and keep building that relationship.

4. Don't restrict or confine yourself to individuals from your industry alone; allow yourself to connect and engage with individuals who aren't part of the same industry.

5. Focus on learning and building connections rather than trying to sell or a monetary gain.

6. Know whom not to network with, as others aren't operating with the same intention as you are

7. Declare your intention to ensure that others feel comfortable speaking to you rather than keeping their guards up in front of you

So make sure you're well prepared for 2022 and beyond by getting out there and networking as much as possible!