2022 has been a transformational year for me; I now look forward to 2023 to make the best year ever

Wow, what a year for me personally, and I am sure it’s been the same for each of you. But did I think the same way back, and the answer is no? I was introduced to a great exercise – the reflection exercise, which helped me appreciate and feel excellent about everything I have experienced this year. The same reflection exercise has enabled me to understand my shortcomings and where I fell short, either personally or professionally.

I am writing this blog with the intention of a yearly review of this past year which has gone by that, in a way, is a reflection but, more importantly, is a promise to ensure the coming time for the year(s) to me as an individual.

From Consumption to Creation

From an economic standpoint, creation offers a greater reward than simply providing what is already in demand. Creating something new gives individuals the opportunity to make something that satisfies their wants to create something. It also allows me to be more agile and responsive to changes in the market, as I can quickly create things for new problems as they arise. The entire approach of focusing on creation than consumption has enabled me to be flexible, which can give me an edge in my day-to-day life.

 In the last two years, creation has gotten more serious for me; it started with creating and writing weekly blog articles, launching my Podcast (Masters Decoded), bringing the Youtube channel started and being consistent with it.

 Making myself uncomfortable and in an unknown situation

I have realized that I have created a world and situation which has made me comfortable with what I do and experience in life. The year I started manifesting that I would like to put myself in an uncomfortable or participate in something which provides a new perspective on everything. I came across the LifePlugin summit, which I could have attended in April. However, I procrastinated and was finally able to participate in November. More about LifePlugin in future blogs. Similarly, I signed up for 1BillionSummit in Dubai in December, which enhanced my thinking on the creator economy.

Mindfulness and Breathwork

I have been a non-believer in meditation for the longest time. I have tried it before, and my mind couldn’t just sit still; it would keep bouncing around places and thoughts that did not save me. However, at the LifePlugin summit, my perspective on mindfulness and breathwork completely changed. I attended the conference and participated in the workshops for different types of mindfulness and breathwork practice which changed me in those three days. I would not want to spoil the entire summit's fun. If you want to discover, be yourself without any pre-judgments, experience friendship which you have never experienced before and get yourself in an uncomfortable position, I highly recommend the conference.

Continue to learn

I have evolved over the years by ensuring I continuously learn on topics aligned with my professional or personal passions. However, what has changed this year for me, my learning platforms have expanded manifold. I recently did a Youtube video on this topic on my channel, and you can look at the various platforms I go to every day to expand my learning.  Learning helps me stay ahead of the curve. This year, I am of a mindset that doesn’t run behind the certifications or testimonials but is more focused on documenting and storing the learnings in my second brain and furthering the training by imparting/sharing the knowledge with others.  

Enhance my knowledge of my body

At the start of the year, I got hit with Covid-19, and even after getting vaccinated and a booster, I contracted Covid again in late August, which was not a pleasant experience. Though biohacking has been significant on my agenda from the start of the year, I have been personally able to achieve the following: 

1.     Get better sleep even in my travels and am not intoxicated with harmful pills of Melatonin and other forms of Allopathic medicines

2.     Understanding food types that impact my Glycemic index has made me not have system crashes after lunch or dinner

3.     Understand the importance of small but essential movement and other physical activities, which includes walking that help boost my mood

4.     Reduce my caffeine intake significantly.

Though I haven’t been able to get my weight in control, that is the big plan for 2023, and hopefully, when I write this blog at the end of 2023, I can report the outcomes of my achievements on the health front.

The accountability and reflection exercise in crafting my significant learnings and takeaways from the year gone by is a self-fulfilling exercise. I plan to continue this path as the years pass by. Hopefully, in 40 years, when I am seated in my armchair and reading all the articles I have written, I can reminisce about the years gone by.


I wish you and you to make 2023 the best year we ever had.

An Important Conversation About Networking, Staying Ahead of the curve in 2022 and beyond

Last week, I arranged for a small meet-up with my industry connections over breakfast. It was an exciting process that led to the breakfast meet-up, where I had first to muscle up and prepare a list of individuals whom I would like to call for the meet-up and would share more details in the blog, but what took me by surprise that initially, 20+ individuals said yes however on the day only 7 of us showed up. While some can say it was disappointing from a turnout perspective, from my point of view, it was a pretty good turnout. I did, though, get my friend Ronny Sequeira (Top 10 photographer in India) to come and share his learnings in creativity and what we can apply in business skills. What didn't please me, though, is that many folks backed out because they didn't seem to network being important or had other conflicts.

It got me thinking, why don't people network? Is Networking essential or relevant in 2022? The answer is very much a big "Yes." With so many changes and advancements in technology, the way we do business is changing too. And with so many new and innovative ways to connect with people and companies, Networking will be more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve. During that day, I learned so much from the individuals who had shown up during the event. More importantly, it became an extensive learning exercise rather than just an excellent breakfast and coffee.

If you haven't read the book - "Never Eat Alone," I would highly recommend you do so as it teaches you so much about networking and mastering the art of it. Thanks to my Podcast guest - Deepshika Kumar, who not only introduced me to the author Keith Ferrazzi but also gifted me the book.

The last two and a half years have taught me that just resting on my past laurels doesn't help me in my current and future path. I need to constantly learn not from the knowledge in the digital world but also others, as each of us has our share of learnings and perspectives, which collectively can be massive to help us prepare for the future.

“But why Networking in Business is the biggest question?”

Staying ahead of the curve in business

Today's DUCA (Disruptive, Unpredictable, Complex, and Ambiguous) environment is not helping us, as there are no past data or scenarios which are helping us to analyze the current and also help prepare for the future. Suppose you are a business person and or part of the organization. In that case, it is imperative that we are ahead of the business to plan, execute and reap the benefits of our endeavors. However, staying two steps behind or in line with the business doesn't help the company, employees, consumers, partners, and other stakeholders. One must have enough empirical data and qualitative inputs to stay ahead of the business. Staying ahead of the business helps build confidence in your day-to-day activities and strategic priorities, thereby allowing you to be more successful as a leader and executive of the company.

Networking abilities empower you to stay ahead of the curve.

Networking with like-minded individuals from your industry or even different industries would allow you to gather a ton of qualitative data points which would enable you to excel and ensure that it helps you stay ahead of the curve. With technology and other elements like AI changing so rapidly, keeping up with all sources we have is just unimaginable. More so, prioritizing what would impact and what wouldn't further be a dilemma for each of us.

Networking is essential for staying ahead of the curve because it allows you to learn about new technology and advancements as they happen. By being in contact with other professionals and businesses, you'll be able to get a head start on adopting new technology and using it in your own business. Networking is also essential for building relationships and connections that can help you in the future. When you need help or advice, you'll have a network of people to turn to.

Some tips on what I have learned from Networking:

Networking is one of the most important things you can do to stay ahead of the curve in 2022. Here are a few tips on how to network effectively:

1. Make an excellent first impression. When you meet someone new, make sure you come across as friendly and approachable. Smile and make conversation, and try to find common ground.

2. Don't be afraid to reach out. If you see someone you want to connect with, don't hesitate to reach out to them. Introduce yourself and offer to help them with whatever they might need.

3. Follow up. When you meet someone new, follow up with them afterward. Stay in touch and keep building that relationship.

4. Don't restrict or confine yourself to individuals from your industry alone; allow yourself to connect and engage with individuals who aren't part of the same industry.

5. Focus on learning and building connections rather than trying to sell or a monetary gain.

6. Know whom not to network with, as others aren't operating with the same intention as you are

7. Declare your intention to ensure that others feel comfortable speaking to you rather than keeping their guards up in front of you

So make sure you're well prepared for 2022 and beyond by getting out there and networking as much as possible!

Why are strategies failing in 2022? They are missing out on effective execution.

It's no secret that the world is changing faster than ever before. Every day, we see new technologies, products, and services enter the market, which can be challenging. As a result, companies are struggling to adapt strategies for 2022, and as a result, they are finding themselves vulnerable to competition.

One of the main reasons why strategies are failing in 2022 is because they are missing out on effective execution. While a well-devised strategy is essential, the implementation will determine a company's success or failure.

Too often, executives focus on developing long-term strategic plans without thinking about how they will execute those plans. As a result, their strategies lack the agility and flexibility needed to succeed in a rapidly changing world.

To succeed in 2022, companies must focus on execution and ensure their strategies are agile and adaptable. Only then will they be able to survive and thrive in the ever-changing business landscape.

Adapting to change

To be successful in business, essential to be able to adapt to change. However, many companies struggle to do this, as they cannot adjust their strategies when necessary. This can leave them vulnerable in a rapidly changing world.

One of the biggest problems is that companies often focus too much on their long-term strategic plans. While it is essential to have a well-thought-out strategy, it is equally important to be able to execute it effectively. If a company cannot do this, its strategy will ultimately fail.

To succeed, businesses need to focus on their strategy and execution. Without both, they will not be able to survive in the ever-changing business world. The last two years of the pandemic and current 2022 clearly show what we know in the past doesn't determine our current and future trends. "Change is the only thing constant in our lives" is more accurate than ever for all business leaders.

I have re-initiated traveling since October 2021. What is unique in business travel compared to my previous travel schedules pre-pandemic is that I cannot pre-plan the cities and in-person meetings anymore. Clients or companies are changing the rules of engagement because Covid-19 is still not over. Till today the cases are rising, and individuals are getting impacted. If you have OCD on travel and planning, then sorry, my friend, you will not be able to have a peaceful journey.

Why strategies are failing in 2022 because they're missing out on effective execution

Strategies are failing in 2022 because they're missing out on effective execution. Execution is key to any successful strategy; without it, a company can easily fall behind its competitors. Poor execution can be attributed to several factors, such as lack of planning, inadequate resources, or poor communication.

Too often, executives focus on developing long-term strategic plans without thinking about how they will execute those plans. While a well-devised strategy is essential, the execution will determine a company's success or failure. To ensure that their strategies are implemented effectively, companies must focus on three key areas: planning, resources, and communication.

Planning: A crucial part of effective execution is planning. Companies need to ensure that they have a clear plan for how they will execute their strategy. This includes setting milestones and timelines and identifying who is responsible for each task.

Resources: Execution also requires adequate aid. Companies must ensure they have the workforce, financial resources, and technology to execute their plans.

Communication: Finally, effective communication is essential for successful execution. Companies need to ensure that all stakeholders are kept up-to-date on the strategy's progress and that there is a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each individual.

Execution is the key to any successful strategy. Without it, companies will struggle to compete in today's increasingly competitive business landscape.

Tips for adapting your strategy for successful execution

Execution is essential for any successful strategy. However, a few tips can help you adjust your strategy for successful implementation.

1. Make sure your strategy is achievable. Don't set your team up for failure by proposing unrealistic goals.

2. Communicate your strategy to all members of your team. This will ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal.

3. Be flexible. Execution often requires making changes to your original plan. Be open to new ideas and willing to adapt your strategy as needed.

4. Measure progress. Regularly check in with your team to see how they are progressing. This will help you identify any areas that need improvement.

5. Be ready to kill. Organizations and executives can get too tied with their plans so much that they do not realize the reality of the strategy is failing or irrelevant

6. Celebrate successes. Execution can be complex, so celebrate your team's successes along the way. This will keep them motivated and focused on the task at hand.

If your business succeeds, you need to focus on execution. By following these tips, you can adapt your strategy for successful execution. Execution is the key to success, so don't let your strategy fail due to poor execution.

What I am taking in 2022: The Future Isn't the Future

2021 is coming to an end, and I clearly remembered that same time last year; I was looking forward to 2021 and was hoping to have a better year and get to do things that I missed in 2020. However, as I look back in 2021, not much has changed. I recently made three international trips; the trips were filled with anxiety, stress, and a very different experience than many before the Pandemic. I can keep talking about how the last two years have been for me, and at the same time, I can't believe 2021 is already coming to an end. It has been a transformative experience, and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn and grow as a person. The Pandemic is teaching, rethink and providing perspectives that have changed me in ways that will help me better manage my mental and physical health outside of Covid-19, too.

I want to share some key learnings as I look forward to stepping in 2022.

Appreciated humbleness and practiced humility far more than ever

There was a time I would have thought that the answer to such a question was obvious. The truth is that as life unfolds, you experience all sorts of things, and there are many times when we don't think it's here. When those times happen, having an attitude of humility makes it easier to move forward, learn from those experiences, and still find a bit of joy in them. Humbleness through a Pandemic has also been a journey for me. I’veI'verned that it is essential to be tolerant, patient, and respectful of others.

Rather than living in the future, I choose to live more in the present. Because of this, I believe we can all find some good in any situation if we are willing to look for it. Humbleness through Pandemic has been a journey for me. I always wanted to control the outcomes of the situations or processes in which I got involved, but the Pandemic taught me a great lesson that there are things more significant than you; we all are just here to do our part, rather than control a more powerful thing than what we intended were to do.

In Technology thought I am a nerd and know it all.

The future isn't the future- it's now; I have learned so much about Technology advancements in the last two years. I would never have thought that we would be seeing virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence becoming more mainstream. However, these technologies are developing faster than I expected and changing how we live and work.

I have learned that it is essential to stay up to date with the latest trends in technoloTechnology almost everything we do every day involves using some gadget. I would never have thought there were so many apps for smartphones, significantly how each app can help make our lives easier. The more technologies advance, the fewer time people spend doing tasks manually, which means fewer jobs are available- or will be available in 2022. Pandemics are becoming a big issue since viruses constantly mutate while spreading around the world faster than ever before due to advances in transportation and communications systems. Technology is not slowing down, with Web 3.0, Crypto, NFTs, Industry 5.0, 6G, and many such advances are just around the corner. I feel so quickly out of date on my knowledge that I have now ensured that I would dedicate at least 2 hours of the week to keep myself abreast of the new technology.

More minor but frequent pauses in life

I've learned that it's essential to take more minor but frequent pauses in life. This can help you to avoid feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. Pauses can also give you time to reflect on your goals and priorities and develop a plan to achieve them. Taking time to reflect can help you refocus on your goals and establish a plan to achieve them. During the Pandemic, I took many pauses that helped me become more productive in life. Work would never stop; often more than not, I have always planned for longer breaks but only fewer times in the year, which never gave me enough energy and mental balance. Shorter and frequent breaks, whether in a day or a month, have helped me enhance my mental focus and drive better outcomes for my personal and professional life. In addition:

  • Get better at managing my mental health by taking regular breaks from work

  • Get better at taking care of myself so I don't get sick as often

  • Be able to focus on what is essential right now rather than having an overwhelming sense of urgency about future deadlines or upcoming events

  • Learn to be more mindful about how I spend my time and take breaks from work

  • Get better at learning new skills and practicing them regularly, rather than just letting them fade away over time due to lack of practice

  • Have the courage to start writing even if it's challenging or scary sometimes because that will help me improve as a writer in the long run

I also learned some new skills during Covid-19, which will be helpful for both personal growth topics like mindfulness, sound editing, creating and launching Podcasts, social media marketing, and Zoho ERP enterprise platform deployment - to name a few.

Not just trying to get books completed, but reading with a purpose

I have never been an avid book reader; more so, I hated reading non-fiction books in the past. The only books I read were Lee Child (Jack Reacher series), James Patterson, and similar to the writers. However, this year has been a significant sea change for me; I not only started reading books but leveraging my Amazon Audible subscription; I have been able to get quite a few of the books completed.

This is one of the ways that I have been able to combat my procrastination in the last two years. It's hard for me to be productive when I only have a specific time slot for reading, so reading with a purpose helps me focus on what I am teaching myself and helps me stay true to my goal of being productive in my professional life.

In 2021, I wanted to continue reading with a purpose and learn as much as possible to be successful in my future endeavors. As someone looking towards the future, I know that continuing my education is important to me and will help me reach my goals. And reading with a purpose allows me to do just that. What I mean by reading with a purpose, I don't know about you, but I can go through a book and forget the content or critical learnings after a day or two. Highlighting or sticky notes didn't help, so I created my own "Life Operating System," which helped build a knowledge vault section. The system has helped me retain my learnings from the books, which I can remember and fall back on as a system to leverage in my day-to-day life.

Rather than leaving in the future, I want to live more in the present. This has been one of the biggest lessons I have learned from Covid-19. It's easy to get wrapped up in what could happen or what we think might happen, but if we don't take the time to enjoy what is happening at the moment, then we are missing out.

So when I read a book with a purpose, it has taught me that there are steps to get where you need to be, and taking these small steps towards my goals will allow me to live more in the present rather than worrying about becoming successful at some point down the line. It's not just trying to get books completed but reading with a purpose that has helped me become productive this year.

I started taking masterclasses to learn

In the last two years, I had the opportunity to conduct a variety of masterclasses for about 2000+ individuals across various topics. The topics I covered gave me a chance to learn more about them; it's helped me teach and learn simultaneously. I have covered different topics during such masterclasses: Product Management Strategy, Driving Cloud Strategies, Digital Transformation in eCommerce and Retail business, Driving Product Management leveraging data, building strategic business models leveraging AI, and many more. The essential skills and learning which I have captured by conducting the masterclasses:

  • Structuring my thoughts in a flow that would align with learners need

  • Keeping the engagement level high during virtual sessions

  • Deep research skills to help structure my content

  • Planning and time management

  • Content development skills

The skills I'm learning will help me in my professional career and personal life.

I'm looking to learn more skills in 2022 and improve some of the ones I've already learned. It's not about leaving my life behind but living more in the present.