Sp12: Crisis Management Framework: Strategy and Execution

SP series are individual episodes where

  1. I either get interviewed or

  2. Focus on topics which are requested by my listeners or

  3. Just have fun covering areas that are interesting to me personally.

Welcome to the second part of the Crisis Management framework for businesses during scenarios like Covid-19. In continuation of the last week, this week, Greg and I would focus on the Strategy and Execution phase post definition of North Star. I would highly recommend if you haven't listened to the first episode of Crisis Management Framework, then before you hear this episode, please do listen to the first part. 

You can find more details on the BOSS Framework on - https://www.gregoryshepard.com/about-boss

If you like the special series, then do share your feedback and opinions on what else you would like me to cover in the special series.

The Podcast is available on the following platforms