
Realizing the Power of Diversity and Inclusion in Leading Teams by 2023

It is no secret that diversity and inclusion in the workplace are essential components of a successful business. This has been true for many years now. Still, as we move into the future, it will become increasingly important to prioritize diversity and inclusion in leadership teams. By understanding why this is essential and implementing strategies to foster an inclusive environment, businesses can achieve tremendous success by 2023.

The Benefits of Diversity and Inclusion

Many reasons a business should prioritize diversity and inclusion in its leadership team. Firstly, fostering an inclusive culture helps to attract a broader range of talent for top positions. This allows businesses to tap into a larger pool of potential employees with varied skill sets, experiences, and perspectives, which can help them innovate more effectively. Secondly, embracing diversity and inclusion helps to create an environment where everyone feels respected, appreciated, and heard. This can improve employee satisfaction, leading to higher productivity amongst staff members. Finally, diverse teams are better equipped to understand customer needs more accurately as they come from different backgrounds. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and better customer service overall.

How Can Businesses Foster Diversity and Inclusion?

Businesses need tangible solutions beyond lip service to cultivate an inclusive atmosphere within their organizations. One way they can do this is by setting up specific initiatives, such as mentorship programs that match senior leaders with junior staff members from diverse backgrounds or by creating dedicated teams that aim to promote diversity within the organization. Companies should also review their recruitment processes to ensure that candidates from all backgrounds have equal opportunities for advancement within the organization. Finally, companies must also focus on retention efforts, such as offering competitive compensation packages or flexible working options that allow employees from all backgrounds to feel valued by their employers over the long term.

Creating A Culture Of Acceptance

Creating a culture of acceptance within an organization takes time and effort but is essential for success. Companies should focus on creating an environment where everyone feels valued regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. This means actively seeking out candidates with different backgrounds and experiences during recruitment processes and providing fair pay for all employees regardless of their backgrounds or job titles. Additionally, employers should strive to provide equal opportunities for all staff members to take on leadership roles regardless of their background or experience level. 

Investing In Training & Education

Businesses must also invest in training and education initiatives focusing on diversity and inclusion issues. This could include seminars from guest speakers on topics such as unconscious bias or workshops dedicated to developing skills related to managing a diverse team.. Training like this helps improve employee understanding of these issues, which will help create a more inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued. It also ensures that leaders have the tools necessary to manage teams in a way that respects each individual’s unique contributions while working towards common goals.

Evaluating Employee Performance

When evaluating employee performance, leaders must also pay attention to any bias they might be displaying towards specific individuals or groups. Performance reviews should focus on the quality of the work, not on preconceived notions about the individual’s race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, etcetera. By removing any potential bias from the equation during performance evaluations, organizations can create a more equitable environment for everyone involved.

In today’s competitive marketplace, businesses must recognize the power of embracing diversity and inclusion in leading teams by 2023. By understanding why this is so important for organizations today, creating tangible solutions for fostering an inclusive environment through mentorship programs or reviewing recruitment processes, businesses can prepare themselves for even greater success in the future. Only by prioritizing these efforts now can we set ourselves up for success down the line!

Why English is a Critical Dimension for an Individual to Succeed in the Modern World?

Language is the key to diversity and has always been a vital means of human communication. The language an individual speaks reflects their cultural heritage and opens new opportunities for business, travel, study, and socializing. As a result, English has become the primary language today. It is not only the first language of many countries but also the unofficial global language of communication.

But succeeding in the modern world by being proficient in English is it the real need?

I was fortunate enough to be invited by Reliance Foundation to evaluate extraordinary students across India to be selected for a particular scholarship and induction into a program that gives them global recognition, mentoring, and exposure to the modern technology world. Through the process, I came across many engaging students with backgrounds, and academic excellence, which made me proud and a little bit overwhelmed as all of the students had excellent academic achievements.

Especially one discussion got me in a state of pride, sad, amazed, and a new perspective on life and how to really "Walk the talk." It was a conversation with a gifted child (her name was concealed for privacy reasons). She took the video call from her northern Indian home, made of bricks and a hay roof with little electricity for privacy reasons. The Microsoft Teams call was taken on her smartphone, and most of us would be shy of our backgrounds and use either blurring feature or a digital set, but she didn't care or bother about it. We could see her family in the background moving around and undertaking their daily chores, which was not a distraction as the conversation was so far enriching.

Each candidate had to submit "A statement of purpose" and a letter "on why they should be selected." Before speaking to her, I read both letters and understood that English was not good as there were multiple spelling, punctuation, and grammatical mistakes. So I had formed a perception that her English speaking skills would also be not that great, which was confirmed when we started speaking to her. We switched to speaking in Hindi and sporadically used English in our conversation. I don't remember every bit of the conversation, but the articulation of her thoughts, passion, and a clear focus on her future goals was so impressive that she left a mark on my and my co-chair's mind.

However, what left me thinking and pondering was her critical question to us: "What is our advice to anyone whose English speaking skills aren't that great?". I asked her why this question us, and she mentioned that individuals got more preference for who spoke well in English at her college and her tuition. Also, she and others like her couldn't articulate their thoughts well due to a lack of proficiency in English. So my response to her was, "It is not English, but your thought process, passion, and intellectual abilities would supersede your language abilities."

After the process, I pondered what I said and thought about my scenario. In my initial career (whether in college or at work), I was not that proficient in the language, which made me lack confidence and was introverted.

Language has always been a barrier in my life, which I have slowly started breaking by taking risks and challenging myself with new opportunities that require me to use English. A language is just a tool for communication; it is not the sole determining factor of success. Despite being brilliant and having great ideas, many people couldn't express themselves due to language barriers.

It is essential to have command over the English language in today's world, but that doesn't mean that individuals who don't have a good grasp of the language should give up on their dreams. A language is just a tool for communication, and there are many other ways to express oneself. With hard work, passion, and dedication, anyone can overcome the barriers posed by the English language and succeed in their field. Language should never be a reason for someone to give up on their dreams.

Another interesting example of how a strong command over language can win you thousands or even millions of Dollars is the new Netflix show "Bullshit." I will not be a spoilsport of revealing the plot here, but you would get my point on how language proficiency, especially English, can instill confidence and win you over others.

Inherently in the corporate world, we disregard or do not select individuals who cannot communicate well. Should the process be focused on skills, thought processes, aptitude, and attitude and focus on individuals' abilities rather than English? The change in strategy would enhance diversity, create a culture of inclusion and bring in perspectives that drive an organization to a different level.

Do you think English is a critical dimension for an individual to succeed in the modern world? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!