Digital Transformation

Why customer data platforms are still important for businesses?

It's no secret that customers today expect more personalized experiences when they interact with businesses. To keep up with the competition, many companies are turning to customer data platforms (CDPs) to collect and manage customer data more effectively.

CDPs have been in the market for a few years now, but there has been a recent discussion on whether or not they are dying out. There are various opinions on this matter, but most believe that CDPs still have a lot to offer businesses regarding customer engagement and understanding customer behavior.

One of the main benefits of CDPs is that they can help you keep track of customer data even if cookies are deleted or blocked. With the death of cookies looming, this is becoming increasingly important. CDPs can also help you better understand your customers to provide them with the best possible experience.

The benefits of deploying CDP in your customer strategy

There are many benefits to using a CDP for businesses. The most important benefit is that CDPs help companies better understand their customers. By collecting and consolidating customer data, businesses can better understand who their customers are, what they like, what they don't like, and how they behave. This information can then create more targeted marketing campaigns and improve customer experiences.

Another benefit of CDPs is that they help businesses improve customer engagement. CDPs make it easier to identify and target customers who are most likely interested in a particular product or service. They also make it easier to personalize communications with customers, leading to higher conversion rates and longer customer relationships.

With the recent death of cookies, CDPs have become even more critical for businesses. Previously, cookies were used to track customer behavior online and target them with relevant ads. However, they are no longer effective due to new privacy regulations (such as GDPR) and browser changes (such as Safari's Intelligent Tracking Prevention). This has made it more difficult for businesses to track customers and deliver targeted advertising across the web. CDPs provide a way to overcome these challenges by monitoring customer behavior offline (through purchase histories, loyalty programs, etc.) and online (through website interactions, social media activity, etc.). This gives businesses a complete view of the customer journey, which can be used to deliver more personalized experiences.

Overall, CDPs still have a lot to offer businesses. They are a valuable tool for understanding customers, improving customer engagement, and overcoming the challenges posed by the death of cookies. If you're not using a CDP in your customer strategy, you should consider doing so.

The right way to implement CDPs within your organization

Now that we know that customer data platforms are still important, let's talk about implementing them into your business process. When it comes to CDPs, there is no one-size-fits-all solution; each business will have its own unique needs that must be taken into account. Here are some tips on how to get started:

1. Define your business goals and objectives.

The first step in any CDP implementation is understanding your business goals and objectives. What do you hope to achieve with a CDP? What are your priorities? What are you trying to solve? Once you understand your goals, you can start looking for the right CDP that will fit those needs. 

2. Assess your data.

The next step is to take a closer look at your data. What data do you have? Where is it located? How is it structured? Answering these questions will help you determine which CDP features are most important to you and what kind of data integrations will be necessary.

3. Select the right CDP.

There are a lot of different customer data platforms on the market, so it's essential to select the one that's right for your business. Consider your business goals, assess your data, and read reviews of different CDPs before deciding.

4. Don’t over obsess on lack of enough first-party data

Organizations do not proceed with the deployment of CDP as they mention that there is not enough first-party data to drive their customer strategies forward. Organizations can still develop micro-cohorts with attributes of ICPs (Ideal Customer Profiles) which can be fed into the CDP to drive personalization and targeting programs

5. Implement and test.

Once you've selected a CDP, it's time to implement it into your business processes. This will require some testing to ensure that everything is working. Be sure to document everything so you can reference it later if necessary.

6. Monitor and optimize.

After you've implemented a CDP, it's essential to monitor its performance and make sure it's meeting your expectations. If not, don't be afraid to make changes or adjust your strategy. The goal is to improve your customer engagement and understanding of customer behavior continuously.

Customer data platforms (CDPs) are still crucial for businesses because: 

  • They help businesses understand customer behavior 

  • They improve customer engagement 

  • They provide a better customer experience 

Tips for getting the most out of your CDP

Although customer data platforms may decline, they are still essential for businesses. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your CDP:

  1. Make sure you are using the platform to its full potential. A CDP can do a lot more than collect data. It can help you segment customers, personalize communications, and optimize your marketing strategies.

  2. Integrate the platform with your other systems. This will help you better understand your customers and their behavior.

  3. Use the data to create targeted campaigns. Personalized campaigns are more successful than generic ones.

  4. Experiment with different features of the platform. Try collecting and analyzing data to see what works best for your business.

  5. Keep your CDP up to date. The platform is constantly evolving, so make sure you use the latest features and functionality.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your customer data platform is still working hard for your business.

Are you still struggling and thinking about deploying a CDP?

Deploying a CDP can be highly beneficial for your business. It can help you collect and analyze customer data more effectively, leading to better customer experiences and more sales. However, it is essential to implement CDPs the right way within your organization. Here are some tips for getting started:

  1. Make sure you have a clear goal for what you want the CDP to achieve. Define what you wish the platform to do and how it will fit into your overall customer strategy.

  2. Gather input from all stakeholders who will be using the platform. This includes marketing, sales, IT, and operations staff. They should all be involved in setting up the CDP and determining how it will be used.

  3. Choose the right CDP for your needs. There are many different CDPs on the market, so make sure you select one with the features and functionality you need.

  4. Set up a test environment to try out the CDP before rolling it out to your entire customer base. This will help you ensure that it is working correctly and that everyone knows how to use it.

  5. Train your staff on how to use the platform. They should be familiar with all of the features and functions to make the most of it.

By following these tips, you can successfully deploy a customer data platform within your organization and start reaping the benefits.

Is Digital ready being Data ready?

According to a Forbes article in June 2021, the cost of Digital Transformation program failures would be close to $3.3 Trillion by 2025. An astounding amount and while it also stated the top five reasons for the failure Cost, Company Culture, Leadership Decision, Business Problem, and Success Measures, in my perspective there is one more reason - the confusion between digital readiness vs. data readiness.

In today's society, it seems like almost everything is done digitally. We shop online, bank, and even communicate with one another electronically. As a result, the amount of data being created and shared daily is rapidly increasing. This explosion of data has caused many people to start questioning if "digital" is ready for the amount of data created.

Digital transformation is transitioning from traditional, analog business processes to those that are digital. It's an ongoing journey that requires organizations to change how they think, work, and operate. As more and more data gets created, businesses need to become data-ready to keep up.

What is data readiness, and how can businesses achieve it?

Data readiness is the ability of a company or individual to use data to make decisions effectively. It is about taking all of the available data and turning it into something that can be used to improve the business. This can include anything from increasing sales to enhancing customer service.

A company needs to have the correct tools in place to be data ready. This includes everything from storage capacity to analytics software. The company also needs to have employees who can interpret the data and make decisions based on what they find. It is becoming increasingly important for companies to be data ready as the amount of data grows. The world is creating more data than ever before, and much of it is being shared digitally. This means that companies need to store and manage this data effectively to make use of it.

Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new or different business processes. It can involve anything from automating manual processes to improving customer experience. To be successful, a company needs to have a clear plan for using digital technologies to enhance its business. Without effectively using data, it will be difficult for a company to improve its business processes. Digital transformation can be an excellent way for a company to improve its competitiveness, but only if it can effectively use data.

 When it comes to data readiness, businesses need to have a plan in place for what they want to do with the data they collect. They need to have systems set up that can handle the influx of data and be able to analyze and use it to make better business decisions.

There are a few key ways that businesses can achieve data readiness:

  1. Enabling self-service analytics: Giving employees the ability to analyze data on their own can help them make better decisions about improving their work processes.

  2. Collecting the correct data: Not all data is created equal, so businesses need to be selective about what they collect and store.

  3. Developing a data governance plan: Having a clear plan for how data will be collected, stored, and used can help ensure that it is used effectively and efficiently.

  4. Creating a data-driven culture: Encouraging employees to use data to drive decision-making can help create a more data-centric organization.

  5. Training employees on data analytics: Providing employees with training on how to use it can help them better use the data available to them.

Digital readiness is necessary to keep up with the increasing demand for storage. We are quickly reaching a point where digital will have to become data-ready to keep up. Businesses need to take steps to ensure that they are prepared for the future. By enabling self-service analytics, collecting the correct data, and developing a data governance plan, businesses can make sure that they are ready for anything that comes their way.

The benefits of transitioning to AI to become data-ready 

One way to become data-ready is by transitioning to artificial intelligence (AI). AI can help businesses make sense of all the data they are collecting and turn it into insights that can help them improve their performance. In addition, transitioning to AI can help enterprises become data-ready much faster. By automating the process of data collection, processing, and analysis, AI can help enterprises make sense of all the data they are collecting in a fraction of the time it would take humans to do so. This means that companies can start using their data much sooner, which is essential in today's competitive market.

Some of the benefits of transitioning to AI to become data-ready include:

  • Increased efficiency: With AI handling all the data processing, businesses can free up their employees' time to focus on more critical tasks.

  • Improved decision-making: By having access to insights and trends that would otherwise be hidden in large data sets, businesses can make better decisions based on facts, not just guesses.

  • Enhanced customer experience: With AI's ability to personalize interactions, businesses can create a more personalized experience for their customers, likely to result in increased loyalty and better ROI.

It is clear that to keep up with the ever-growing demand for data storage; businesses need to start transitioning to AI. Not only will this help them become data-ready, but it will also allow them to reap the many benefits that come with using AI.

What is digital readiness, and how does it link to data readiness?

Digital readiness is an organization's ability to use digital technologies to enable its desired outcomes. It is important to note that this is not just about having the technology in place but also about using it effectively.

One key aspect of being ready for digital is data readiness. This involves having the ability to manage and use the data created as a result of our increasingly digital world. With so much data being generated every day, it is more important than ever to make sure that we are prepared for it. There are many factors contributing to the increase in data. One of the biggest drivers is the growth of digital transformation. This is when organizations use digital technologies to change the way they operate. As more and more businesses move to this model, the amount of data being created grows exponentially.

While digital readiness is about being able to use digital technologies effectively, data readiness is about managing and using the data that is being created. We are rapidly reaching a point where digital will have to become data-ready to keep up.

How will be becoming data-ready help businesses stay ahead of the competition?

The amount of data created and shared is constantly increasing, and businesses need to be ready for it. As a result, digital transformation is no longer optional – it's essential to keep up with the competition.

To survive in today's digital world, businesses need to handle large amounts of data. This data comes from various sources, including social media, the internet of things, and artificial intelligence. As data becomes more complex, businesses need to find ways to make it more manageable and actionable.

Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the world of business. With AI, companies can make better decisions by analyzing and understanding all of the available data. AI can also help to improve customer service and create new products and services.

The importance of being data-ready in today's society

As we continue to rely more and more on digital platforms to do everyday tasks, the importance of being data-ready becomes increasingly evident. With the rapid expansion of data comes an even greater need for storage, becoming more challenging to obtain. If we want to keep up with the ever-growing demand for digital experiences, we will need to find a way to become data-ready.

To become data-ready, we will need to implement a few changes. First, we need to collect and store data more effectively. This may mean investing in new storage solutions or finding ways to optimize existing ones. Second, we need to be able to process this data more efficiently. This can be done through the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Finally, we need to be able to share this data with others securely and efficiently.

By becoming data-ready, we will keep up with the ever-growing demand for digital experiences. We will also be able to provide better experiences for our users by collecting and processing data more effectively.

The bottom line is that digital needs to become data-ready to keep up with the amount of data created. It will require businesses to transition to AI use of all the available data. Doing so will allow them to stay ahead of the competition and continue to thrive in today's ever-changing world.

Digital Transformation: Not about Technology

The last decade gave birth to technologies, sciences, and business models which have brought in 

  • Companies which are challenging the norm

  • Forced companies to transform or evolve their business models

  • Perished or close to being non-existence large companies which at one point were industry leaders

A more significant and higher-order business transformation program that came to light was the term "Digital Transformation." Industry leaders, academia, and many other leaders defined their own versions of how organizations should approach digital transformation. The concept started taking many forms, and technology-led organizations started positioning as their product as the lead to drive digital transformation. The positioning enabled and excited board members and executives to embark on the "Blue Pill" that adopting such technologies would be to position the company completing a digital transformation program. The order was short-lived, the companies faced the following:

  • Technologies weren't able to scale organization-wide

  • It solved a specific and not a more significant organization-specific use cases

Hence adopting technologies is just one of the cog in the wheel and not the entire picture. The recommended approach to the right digital transformation program is to define your strategy based on:

  1. Redefining the business 

  2. Enhancing customer-facing programs

  3. Improving employee engagement and increasing efficiencies

  4. Generating and evaluating new business models

  5. Setting the machine to machine engagement models

With the solve objectives to strengthen and transform the business into its entirety. In addition to core strategic framework, the essential layers which enable a digital transformation are:

  1. Data - the fundamental asset of the companies to drive, prioritize and simulate the programs

  2. People - a multi-faceted and multi-skilled team

  3. Technology - an appropriate tech stack and not a single ecosystem with a balanced subscription and open tech ecosystem

  4. Agile and DevOps - the sharp and continuous delivery mechanism

  5. AI - an enabler to exponentially impact the program

  6. Consulting - an in-house group to define, refine and project outcomes

  7. Engineering - a robust technology-enabled approach

  8. Knowledge Management - ensure retention of organizational knowledge

The layers are not independent and are like lego blocks that come together to form a structure. 

Recommended books for further reading:


Hit Refresh

Book by Satya Nadella covering his personal life and transformation of Microsoft


Driving Digital Strategy

One of my favorite books on Digital Transformation