Artificial Intelligence

Mastering AI: 13 Proven Strategies to Stay Ahead in Artificial Intelligence

Staying informed and ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI) can be both a thrilling adventure and a daunting task. For enthusiasts, professionals, and learners alike, keeping up with AI's latest developments, breakthroughs, and insights is crucial for leveraging its potential and navigating its challenges. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how individuals can immerse themselves in AI and ensure they are well-equipped with knowledge and understanding to thrive in this dynamic field.

1. Leverage Online Learning Platforms

Online learning platforms like Coursera, Udacity, edX, and Khan Academy offer a wide range of courses on AI and machine learning (ML). These courses, created by leading universities and companies, range from beginner to advanced levels and provide an excellent foundation in AI concepts, tools, and applications. Platforms such as also focus specifically on deep learning and practical applications, making complex concepts accessible to a broader audience.

2. Follow Industry Leaders and Influencers

Social media platforms and professional networks like LinkedIn and Twitter are invaluable for following thought leaders, innovators, and influencers in the AI space. Figures such as Andrew Ng, Fei-Fei Li, Yann LeCun, and Geoff Hinton share insights, articles, and discussions that can provide a deeper understanding of current trends and future directions. Following these individuals helps you gain diverse perspectives and stay informed about groundbreaking research and developments.

3. Participate in Online Forums and Communities

Online forums and communities like Reddit (e.g., r/MachineLearning, r/Artificial), Stack Overflow, and GitHub offer platforms to engage with other AI enthusiasts and professionals. These communities are excellent for asking questions, sharing projects, and discussing the latest research papers and technologies. Participating in these forums helps solve specific problems and stay connected with the global AI community.

4. Attend Conferences and Webinars

Attending AI-focused conferences, workshops, and webinars is another effective way to stay updated with the latest advancements. Events such as NeurIPS, ICML, CVPR, and AI conferences hosted by major tech companies offer insights into cutting-edge research and practical applications. Many of these events are now available online, making them more accessible globally. Additionally, webinars and online talks hosted by universities and research institutions provide opportunities to learn from experts in the field.

5. Read AI Research Papers and Journals

Reading research papers and journals is essential for those interested in diving deeper into AI research. Preprint servers like arXiv and periodicals such as the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) and IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems publish the latest research in AI and ML. While reading research papers can be challenging, resources like present complex research in an accessible and visually engaging format, making it easier to grasp new concepts.

6. Utilize Podcasts and YouTube Channels

Podcasts and YouTube channels are excellent resources for learning about AI more informally and engagingly. Podcasts like "The AI Podcast" by Nvidia, "Lex Fridman Podcast," and "AI in Business" offer interviews with researchers, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders, providing diverse perspectives on AI's impact across various sectors. YouTube channels such as Siraj Raval, Two Minute Papers, and 3Blue1Brown offer tutorials, paper summaries, and AI discussions, making learning informative and entertaining.

7. Engage with Open Source Projects

Engaging with open-source projects on platforms like GitHub allows individuals to contribute to real-world AI projects, gain hands-on experience, and collaborate with others in the field. Contributing to projects related to machine learning libraries, data analysis tools, and AI applications can significantly enhance practical skills and understanding of how AI technologies are developed and deployed.

8. Stay Informed through Newsletters and Blogs

Subscribing to AI-focused newsletters and blogs is a convenient way to receive curated content on AI advancements, industry news, and insightful analyses. Newsletters like The Algorithm by MIT Technology Review, AI Weekly, and Import AI curate the latest news, articles, and resources in the field. Additionally, blogs hosted by AI research labs, tech companies, and industry analysts offer in-depth discussions on specific topics, case studies, and reviews of new technologies.

9. Implement Personal Projects

Applying AI concepts through personal projects is a highly effective way to solidify understanding and gain practical experience. Projects can range from developing simple machine learning models to more complex applications involving computer vision, natural language processing, or robotics. These projects reinforce learning and build a portfolio that can be valuable for academic or professional opportunities.

10. Continuous Learning and Adaptability

Lastly, the key to keeping up with AI is a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability. AI is a field characterized by rapid change and innovation. Embracing a lifelong learning approach, being open to new ideas, and adapting to new technologies and methods are essential for staying relevant and effective in the field. This means regularly setting aside time for self-study, experimentation, and reflection on AI technologies' ethical implications and societal impacts.

11. Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice

While theoretical knowledge is fundamental, bridging the gap between theory and practice is crucial for fully understanding AI's capabilities and limitations. This involves experimenting with different algorithms, solving real-world problems in competitions like Kaggle, and collaborating on interdisciplinary projects that apply AI in healthcare, finance, environmental science, and the arts.

12. Navigating the Ethical Landscape

As AI integrates into various aspects of life, understanding AI systems' ethical considerations and potential biases becomes increasingly essential. Engaging with literature and discussions on AI ethics, attending seminars, and participating in forums focused on responsible AI practices help individuals navigate the complex ethical landscape of AI. This awareness is vital for developing AI technologies that are not only innovative but also equitable and beneficial to society.

13. Leveraging AI for Personal and Professional Growth

For individuals looking to leverage AI for personal and professional growth, staying adaptable and proactive in learning is essential. This might involve seeking mentorship, joining AI incubators or accelerators, and networking with professionals in the field. Additionally, considering further education through master's programs or specialized courses can deepen expertise and open new career paths.


Staying informed and up-to-date with the latest happenings in AI requires a multifaceted approach involving education, networking, practical experience, and a commitment to continuous learning. By leveraging online resources, engaging with the community, and applying knowledge through projects and ethical considerations, individuals can navigate the complexities of AI and harness its potential for innovation and positive impact. As AI continues to evolve, so must our learning and engagement strategies, ensuring we remain at the forefront of this transformative field.

The Automotive Industry and the Metaverse

The automotive industry is one of the world's most competitive and fast-moving industries. To stay ahead of the curve, companies must constantly innovate and look for new ways to engage with customers. The Metaverse is one of the most promising new frontiers for the automotive industry. 

The Metaverse is a virtual world created by combining elements of the real world with virtual reality. It has the potential to revolutionize the way that businesses interact with customers and could have a profound impact on the automotive industry. In this blog post, we will explore some ways that the Metaverse could change the automotive industry and what implications it may have for businesses.


Benefits that can be derived from the automotive industry:


1. The Metaverse could provide a new platform for marketing and advertising.

2. The Metaverse could be used to sell cars online.

3. The Metaverse could provide a new way for customers to test drive cars.

4. The Metaverse could be used to create virtual showrooms.

5. The Metaverse could provide a new way for companies to gather customer feedback.

6. The Metaverse could be used to train employees.

7. The Metaverse could provide a new platform for customer service and support.

8. The Metaverse could be used to host events and conferences.

9. The Metaverse could be used to research new car designs.

10. The Metaverse could provide a new way for companies to interact with suppliers and partners.


The potential implications of the Metaverse for the automotive industry are far-reaching and potentially game-changing. Businesses need to start thinking about using this new technology to their advantage to stay ahead of the competition. By being early adopters of this technology, companies can gain a significant competitive advantage that could help them thrive in the years to come.

How the Healthcare Industry Can Leverage Metaverse?

The healthcare industry is constantly pressured to improve patient outcomes while reducing costs. To meet these challenges, healthcare organizations are turning to Metaverse. Metaverse is a digital platform that allows for the creation of a 3D virtual world. This virtual world can be used for training, simulation, and patient care.

Metaverse has the potential to revolutionize healthcare. Using Metaverse, healthcare organizations can provide patients with better and more efficient care. In addition, Metaverse can be used to train new physicians and nurses. With Metaverse, the healthcare industry can finally keep up with the ever-changing healthcare landscape.


How Can Healthcare Organizations Use Metaverse?

Improve Patient Care

One of the most critical ways Metaverse can be used in the healthcare industry is to improve patient care. Using Metaverse, healthcare providers can create a virtual environment where patients can receive treatment from anywhere in the world. This is especially beneficial for patients who live in rural areas or have difficulty traveling to see a doctor. In addition, Metaverse can be used to create virtual reality simulations of medical procedures so that patients can better understand what to expect before they undergo surgery.


Streamline Operations

Another way Metaverse can be used in healthcare is to streamline operations. For example, hospitals can use Metaverse to create a virtual waiting room where a doctor can see patients without having to be physically present in the hospital. This would free up valuable space in the hospital and allow doctors to see more patients in a day. In addition, hospitals could use Metaverse to keep track of medical supplies and equipment so that they are always aware of what is available and where it is located.


Reduce Costs

Metaverse can also be used to reduce costs in the healthcare industry. For example, using Metaverse, hospitals could conduct training sessions for new employees without paying for travel or lodging expenses. In addition, Metaverse could be used to create virtual reality simulations of medical procedures so that surgeons could practice them before performing them on actual patients. This would reduce the risk of complications and save lives.



One way the healthcare industry can use the Metaverse is for training purposes. Medical schools can use the Metaverse to create realistic simulations of medical procedures. This would allow students to get experience without putting patients at risk. Hospitals can also use the Metaverse to train their staff on new processes or equipment.


Marketing and Creating Experience Zone

The Metaverse can also be used for marketing purposes. Healthcare companies can create virtual reality experiences that allow potential customers to “try before they buy.” For example, a company that makes artificial limbs could create a simulation of what it would be like to use their product.


Research and Development needs

Scientists can use the Metaverse to test new drugs or treatments in a controlled environment. This would allow them to gather data more quickly and efficiently than traditional methods.


Metaverse has the potential to revolutionize healthcare. Using Metaverse, healthcare organizations can provide patients with better and more efficient care. In addition, Metaverse can be used to train new physicians and nurses. With the metaverse, the healthcare industry finally keeps up with the ever-changing healthcare landscape.

Future of content and what's in it for us.

As content creators, we always look for new and innovative ways to engage our audience. With the advent of new technologies, we now have more platforms and tools than ever to create dynamic and interactive content. From Augmented Reality to Virtual Reality, we have endless possibilities for experimenting and finding new ways to connect with our readers. As we move into the future, it is exciting to think about how content will continue evolving and changing. Who knows what new platforms and technologies will be available for us?

Do the brands still need content?

There is no doubt that content is still the king in online marketing. Despite the rise of new technologies and platforms, content is still the most crucial element of any digital marketing strategy. Why is this?

Firstly, content is a great way to connect with your audience. It allows you to communicate your message clearly and concisely, and it also allows you to build a relationship with your audience. People are more likely to engage with brands they feel connected with, and content is the perfect way to create that connection.

Secondly, content is also great for driving traffic to your website or blog. If you create exciting and informative content, people are more likely to share it, which will help to increase your reach and visibility.

Thirdly, content is a great way to build trust with your audience. If you provide valuable information that helps people solve their problems, they will trust you and your brand more. Trust is essential in any relationship, and it's no different with brands and their customers.

Fourthly, content is a great way to differentiate your brand from competitors. In a world with so many choices, ensuring that your brand stands out from the crowd is essential. Content can help you highlight what makes your brand unique and special.

Finally, content is a great way to stay in mind with your audience. If you regularly create new and exciting content, people are more likely to think of you when they need your product or service.

So, as you can see, content is still an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. However, it's important to note that how we create and consume content is changing. With new technologies and platforms emerging all the time, we now have more opportunities to create more dynamic and interactive content that engages the reader in a whole new way.

What technologies are available to content creators?

There are many new technologies available for content creators to experiment with. These technologies include Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality. VR allows the user to create an immersive virtual environment that can be explored and interacted with. AR will enable users to overlay digital content in the real world, and Mixed Reality combines the two to create a hybrid environment.

These new technologies are changing the way we consume content. We are no longer limited to just reading or watching something; we can now experience it ourselves. This is especially true for VR, which lets us completely immerse ourselves in another world.

As content creators, we now have the opportunity to create more exciting and engaging content than ever before. In addition, we can use these new technologies to create interactive experiences that will keep our audience coming back for more.

Other technologies include:

a) Auto content creation - Blogs and Videos

b) Creating images on your own

c) Creating your audio from text

If you would like to know more about these tools, please drop a comment on the blog, and I would be happy to add to this blog.

What is the future of content?

We expect to see more creators using these new technologies to create innovative and exciting content in the next few years. We will also see more platforms specifically designed for VR and AR content. As these technologies become more mainstream, we will see a broader range of content being created for them.

So what does that mean for us?

As content creators, we must be aware of these new technologies and how to use them. We need to stay ahead of the curve and be ready to experiment with these new platforms. Only by doing so will we be able to create the best content for our audience.

How will Metaverse revolutionize the content industry?

Metaverse is a VR platform that allows users to create and share their virtual worlds. Metaverse could potentially revolutionize the content industry by enabling users to create more immersive and interactive content. For example, with Metaverse, you could create a virtual world that allows users to explore and interact with your content in a completely new way. The new phase would give content creators a new way to engage their audience and create more dynamic and interactive content.

The future of content is promising, giving rise to new forms of content and providing each of us the flexibility to showcase our capabilities.

Green AI: Why is it essential to develop AI responsibly, considering potential risks and potential benefits?

I was recently invited by CNBC TV-18 on Twitter Spaces with other industry leaders to speak about Sustainability and how tech and AI can help organizations achieve sustainability goals. But preparing for the conversation and also going to the conversation, I started thinking a lot about how today we are creating more need for:

  • Data

  • Technology needs

  • Processing needs

which is putting more stress on the need to consume environmental sources.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool that humans can use to make sense of data, manage processes and solve problems. But as AI technology gets more sophisticated, there is a risk that it could also be used to harm. That's why it's essential to ensure that artificial intelligence is developed responsibly and consider the potential risks and benefits.

One way to ensure that AI is developed responsibly is to focus on making it "green." Green AI refers to artificial intelligence that is designed and operated in a way that minimizes its environmental impact. Developing green AI can help ensure that the powerful tool of AI is used sustainably and beneficially for both humans and the environment.

There are many reasons why it's essential to develop green AI. For one, Sustainability is a crucial concern for both individuals and businesses. With the world's population growing and resources becoming more scarce, it's essential to find ways to use resources more efficiently. Green AI can help do this by reducing the energy consumption of data centers and other AI infrastructure.

In addition to being more sustainable, green AI can also be more efficient and cost-effective. For example, using renewable energy to power data centers can save money on energy costs. And designing data centers and other AI infrastructure to be more energy-efficient can further reduce costs.

Developing green AI is also important because it can help to ensure that AI is used responsibly. As AI technology gets more sophisticated, there is a risk that it could be used for nefarious purposes, such as creating biased algorithms or infringing on people's privacy. By ensuring that AI is developed responsibly, we can help avoid these risks and ensure that AI is used for good.

There are many benefits to developing green AI. Sustainability, efficiency, and responsible use are just a few reasons it's essential to focus on making AI more green. In addition, we can help make sure that this powerful tool is used to benefit both humans and the environment.

What is green AI and why is it essential to develop responsibly?

Green AI is an important topic because it refers to how artificial intelligence should be developed to minimize its environmental impact. For example, suppose an artificial intelligence system was tasked with optimizing energy consumption in a data center. In that case, it might decide to run the data center at total capacity all the time to minimize energy consumption. However, this would result in a large carbon footprint and be detrimental to the environment. Therefore, it is crucial to consider AI's potential risks and benefits before implementing it to avoid causing harm.

The benefits of developing green AI

One way to make AI better is to make sure that AI is "green" – designed and operated to minimize its environmental impact. We can help ensure that the technology is used responsibly and sustainably by developing green AI.

There are many potential benefits of green AI. For example, green AI could help us to:

  • Reduce our reliance on fossil fuels: Green AI could help us develop renewable energy sources and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

  • Conserve resources: Green AI can help us use resources more efficiently and conserve them for future generations.

  • Improve agricultural productivity: Green AI can help us improve farm productivity and reduce the need for land, water, and other resources.

  • Combat climate change: Green AI can help us monitor and respond to climate change and develop mitigation and adaptation strategies.

To realize these benefits, green AI must be developed responsibly. This means considering the potential risks and harms resulting from its use. For example, green AI could be used to:

  • Monitor and control our behavior: Green AI could be used to monitor our behavior to improve resource efficiency. However, this could also lead to privacy concerns and a loss of autonomy.

  • Manipulate our emotions: Green AI could be used to manipulate our emotions to influence our behavior. Unfortunately, this could lead to a loss of control over our own lives.

  • Displace human workers: Green AI could be used to replace human workers in various industries. However, this could lead to unemployment and economic insecurity.

Thus, green AI must be developed responsibly, considering both the potential risks and benefits.

How can you make your artificial intelligence more environmentally friendly?

There are a few ways to make your artificial intelligence more environmentally friendly. First, try to use recycled or sustainable materials whenever possible. Second, be conscious of the amount of power your AI system is operating and optimize it for efficiency. Third, ensure that any data you collect is cleansed and organized to minimize its environmental impact. Fourth, refine the need for data and focus on essentials, then hoarding. Fifth, focus on eliminating redundancies on the process within the organization, thereby reducing data and technology needs along the way of a customer/process journey. Finally, consider the potential risks and benefits of AI development before proceeding with any project. By taking these steps, you can help to ensure that your AI system is as green as possible.

Examples of businesses that are using green AI

Several businesses are using green AI to help them become more sustainable. For example, IBM has developed a green AI platform called IBM Watson Earth that helps organizations make more informed decisions about Sustainability. The platform uses cognitive computing to analyze data from satellite imagery, weather information, and other sources to help identify and track environmental trends.

Another business that is using green AI is Google. Google has developed a Green Data Center Calculator tool that helps businesses determine how much energy they can save by making their data centers more efficient. The tool uses machine learning to analyze data from real-world deployments and recommend the most effective energy-saving measures.

These are just a few examples of businesses using green AI to become more sustainable. As the demand for green AI grows, more companies are likely to develop AI tools and services to help achieve sustainability goals.

When it comes to artificial intelligence, many potential benefits and risks need to be considered. As we continue to develop these technologies, it's essential to be aware of how they can help us and harm us. We need to make sure that AI is developed responsibly, taking both the potential benefits and risks. We also need to make sure that AI is "green" – that is, designed and operated in a way that minimizes its environmental impact. By doing all of this, we can ensure that AI helps us solve some of the world's most pressing problems while reducing its risks.

The future is knowledge economy for enterprises and nations

We usher into a new era where knowledge is far essential (in personal and professional), and complexity continues to scale on how things relate and unrelate to everything we undertake. With technology advancement, the future of nations and enterprises would be to see how they harness and create a knowledge economy to thrive and be successful in highly complex environments. 

One such technology critical to enable the nations and enterprises is Graph technology. The graph has evolved into a significant new class of data structures that model implicit and explicit graphs with nodes, edges, and properties. It’s one of the most important developments in modern computer science, bringing with it many innovative algorithmic results and practical systems for managing complex data relationships on scales unimaginable just ten years ago.

The inspiration for graph theory was found within mathematics, but its applications are now widespread across computer science, social sciences, life sciences, engineering, and beyond. Graph databases have become some of the fastest-growing software products over recent years because they efficiently manage high-volume datasets by enabling users to discover connections between related pieces of information without reading the content of every record. As we move into an era where we ask more and more questions about the relationships in our data, graph databases become a crucial technology in managing complex systems and enabling fast and accurate responses to user queries.

Graphs have been used to solve problems such as efficiently routing drivers around traffic jams or allocating tasks among workers when there is limited space on factory floors. The knowledge economy grows by leaps every day because it relies so heavily on the network, but it’s not just businesses that rely on information networks. Transportation, communication, and commerce depend on complex relationships between people and organizations. These networks have been modeled as graphs for over a hundred years now, but it is only since the 2000s that we have had the technology to access much larger charts from the web containing hundreds of billions of nodes and trillions of edges.

The advent of graph technologies creates a massive shift in the technological world. Examples include fraud prevention, managing complex systems, and enabling fast responses to user queries. Other benefits include shorter processing times, smaller datasets that are easier

Graph technology is the future to drive the knowledge economy forward.

Graphs are everywhere. Graphs are just a model for data, but it’s already being widely adopted in the business world because of their many practical uses. Graph technology is now used to search Google, filter Facebook newsfeeds, power recommendation engines, and help scientists understand protein folding patterns. Graph databases are already transforming the way companies do business. Graph databases are faster and more flexible for a wide range of queries, including highly interactive exploration of complex networks and multi-attribute search that returns rich results in milliseconds. Graph technology is already handling large amounts of data with ease.

Graph DBs can handle unstructured, fast-changing, diverse data types such as text, images, geo-location, stock ticker data, etc. Graph databases are already being used in domains ranging from IoT to finance, social media, healthcare/life sciences, logistics/transportation, and retail. Graph technology also has the potential to transform our personal lives. Graphs are an ideal model for human relationships because they can easily capture both direct and indirect connections between people, places, and the things they’ve shared interests. Graphs can also help us easily share our social expertise by identifying key influencers in networks. Graph technology is already being used to improve online dating, recommend products for social shopping, track job referrals, and business opportunities. Graph technology has revolutionized data management; its potential isn’t limited to social media and online networks.  

Graph technology can be applied to a wide variety of challenges and is especially useful in domains with complex data relationships 

  • Transportation: Graphs can help improve traffic flow by modeling vehicle locations as nodes and relationships as edges to model time-delays, congestion, etc. Graph technology is already helping cities such as Los Angeles better manage their transport systems. 

  • Manufacturing: Graphs also have numerous manufacturing applications, especially when it comes to optimizing processes, planning layouts, and forecasting. Graphs can help manufacturers create assembly roadmaps that optimize workflows or reduce the time required to move products through the supply chain. 

  • Astronomy: Graphs can help astronomers better understand the Universe by modeling spectral information as nodes or vertices connected by edges representing shared photonic properties. Graphs also help astronomers visualize and navigate large data sets.

  • Financial industry: Graph technology is also seeing increased application in finance and trading, where it can be used to find relationships between different securities and the overall market. Graph databases allow financial analysts to correlate various data sources and discover new trends that might not otherwise be visible. 

  • Pharma: One domain where graph technology is increasing application in DNA identification. Graphs are an ideal data structure for representing the complex relationships between different parts of a DNA sequence. Graph-based algorithms can quickly identify similar segments of DNA, allowing for a more accurate and efficient comparison of other lines. This makes it easier to identify potential genetic mutations and can even help trace the ancestry of a particular DNA sample.

A more extensive use case for organizations driving eCommerce business

 Graph technology can be used for businesses to drive eCommerce. Graph databases are especially suited to deal with the complexities of eCommerce data, such as products, customers, and orders. Graph technology can help retailers understand and analyze their customer's behavior to create more personalized shopping experiences. In addition, graph technology can also be used to identify patterns in customer behavior that can help businesses improve their marketing strategies and website design. Graph technology is the best way to examine the relationships between customers, products, and sales. Graphs are especially valuable for businesses with complex product catalogs. Graph databases can quickly help eCommerce companies identify market trends and product performance issues. Graph databases are also helpful in maintaining up-to-date product information, including images, prices, specifications, ratings, and related products. Graph technology allows eCommerce retailers to understand better consumer behavior, which can help inform business decisions. Graphs are particularly valuable for analyzing product affinity, cross-selling opportunities, customer preferences, and online behaviors. Charts are handy for analyzing sales data to discover buying patterns between different customer profiles or demographics.

Graphs help analyze how other customers or demographics interact with products. Graph technology can be used to determine which products are commonly bought together, whether there are any gaps in the product catalog, and what other products may need to be added. Graphs can also be used to determine if a product’s price is too high or low or if the product is facing any other issues. Graph technology can also recommend products to customers based on their buying patterns, similar to how Amazon recommends products. Graphs help identify popular items, unwanted items, and what needs improvement.

Ecommerce websites can apply graph technology to search engine optimization (SEO). Graph databases are suitable for understanding how customers interact with products and help businesses maximize website conversion rates. Graph technology can improve the personification of the company’s search engine optimization (SEO) profile. Graph technology can also enhance product placement on eCommerce websites, which will drive increased traffic to the website. Ecommerce companies can use graph technology to improve customer service. Graphs help identify product support issues or common questions that need to be answered or enhanced. Graph databases allow businesses to remember different groups of users to reply more effectively quickly. Graphs are handy for customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Graphs can analyze customers’ interactions with products, brands, stores, purchases, or companies. Graph technology is the future for eCommerce, as this type of technology will make the customer experience more personalized and easier. 

The future is better with Graph technologies

 Graph technology has evolved into a significant new class of data structures that model implicit and explicit graphs with nodes, edges, and properties. Charts are one of the most important developments in modern computer science. They bring many innovative algorithmic results and practical systems for managing complex data relationships on unimaginable scales just ten years ago. It provides insights about patterns hidden within large datasets not easily found by other analytical techniques alone. Graph technologies allow us to detect these connections between entities or events that we would never have seen otherwise, improving our understanding of natural phenomena such as climate change or disease outbreaks. Graph databases offer unprecedented scalability and performance while providing powerful capabilities for managing semi-structured and unstructured data with the ability to traverse complex relationships effortlessly.

For example, Graph databases are ideal for maintaining knowledge graphs, such as the OpenCyc project, which provides an extensive knowledge base consisting of hundreds of thousands of concepts and trillions of facts providing a solid foundation for AI computations. Graph databases can also be used to model the semantic web, an extension of the World Wide Web that unlocks its potential as a data source by making it easier for machines to discover, share, integrate, process, and reuse information on the Web. However, it is essential to note that Graph technology won’t replace all current database systems but rather enhance their capabilities by providing additional options for storing and querying complex data relationships. Graph databases work well with large data sets that do not follow a regular structure, require frequent updates, or support only simple lookups and range scans. 

Going back to the basics - "Adoption of First principles of thinking in driving adoption of Artificial Intelligence"

After 20 months of hibernation, I finally made my long-haul business trip to the United States. The trip build-up was filled with anxiety and various thoughts, and my traveling brain needed some re-oiling to get all my travel quirks, tips, and tricks back to me. However, the trip was different then what I have experienced in the last 16 years of traveling. Safety, ensuring sanitization, maintaining self-discipline on distance, and many other norms were unique; however, when I landed, I could still feel the sense of travel enthusiasm across the board. 

But in a couple of days, the concerns for the new variant of Covid-19 are causing travel bans, fear, and again putting the thoughts of the last 20 months back in everyone's mind. So how do organizations and all of us think about this DUCA environment where the concept of "Start, Stop and Continue" is constantly fluid, filled with concerns and anxiety. 

The need for First principles thinking in the DUCA environment.

The current DUCA environment is characterized by disruptive, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (DUCA). First-principles thinking can help individuals and organizations to navigate this environment. First-principles thinking is a way of reasoning from ideas that are accepted as accurate and using them to derive new truths. It's a methodology for solving problems or tackling issues that can be used to drive innovation. First-principles thinking can help individuals and organizations navigate the DUCA environment by allowing them to see the world more clearly and concisely. First-principles thinking can help individuals and organizations identify the root causes of problems, find more creative and innovative solutions, and help overcome biases in decision-making. First-principles thinking is instrumental in the DUCA environment because it allows individuals and organizations to think clearly when there are so many different coming at them that they often lose perspective on what's most important. First-principles thinking can provide individuals and organizations with clarity in VUCA environments by allowing them to strip away the noise of day-to-day life, focus on what's most important, and take action towards better decisions. Thinking is a way of approaching problems instead of using an incremental method where one tries to build upon previous ideas that may be flawed since human perception tends to be subjective or biased. First-principles thinking is more objective because it reasons from a set of axioms that are established as unchallengeable. First-principles thinking has been used in physics for centuries but has only recently been applied to business and management.

Benefits to Artificial Intelligence from First Principles Thinking

First-principles thinking is a way of reasoning from ideas that are accepted as accurate and using them to derive new truths. First-principles can be used to solve problems or tackle issues in various ways, including applying artificial intelligence, which enables organizations to impact business outcomes. First-principles are an essential part of AI because we can use data analytics and machine learning techniques to benefit organizations. First-principles thinking is needed for artificial intelligence systems to learn from their mistakes and improve over time. First-principles thinking requires creativity, discipline, and dedication - three qualities every team member should possess when contributing to innovations within AI.

The first principle: "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction," can be seen as the starting point for developing artificial intelligence. First-principles thinking encourages researchers to solve problems based on this idea, where the action is defined as input into the system (e.g., entering data), and reaction is defined as what happens (e.g., output). First-principles thinking applies scientific techniques like hypothesis generation, empirical study, validation, peer review, and research publication to solve problems in everyday life or within specific industries. First-principles thinking applied to AI is helpful because it allows systems to learn from their mistakes (or lessons learned), improve over time (or with 'practice'), refine their processes (or develop new algorithms) - all without human intervention! First-principles thinking also helps to create new ideas, solutions & services. First-principles thinking encourages researchers to see problems holistically and apply creativity to generate novel ways of solving the issue at hand. First-principles thinking is a way of reasoning from ideas that are accepted as accurate and using them to derive new truths. First-principles can be used to solve problems or tackle issues in various ways, including using artificial intelligence, which enables organizations to impact business outcomes.


First-principles thinking can be applied in AI, enabling organizations to drive impact on the business outcomes. Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables organizations to solve problems or tackle issues more efficiently than ever before. First-principles thinking allows an organization's AI system to identify patterns and make predictions based on data collected about past events; this means it can do so without having been programmed with all possible scenarios ahead of time. This type of intelligent processing may help solve DUCA environments where uncertainty reigns supreme, providing insights into what might happen next. A recent study found that first principles thinkers maintain their creativity over a more extended period and can better cope with complexity. First-principles thinking can help organizations innovate and drive transformation by leveraging AI's ability to compute, learn and execute autonomously based on patterns that it is exposed to.

How new technologies are being developed every year, but organisations are still hungry for insights?

New technologies are being developed every year, but organizations are still hungry for insights on what customers want. Consumers have become the "new king" in the world of business. While industries have changed dramatically over time, it is clear that companies will continue to need information on their customers to be successful. The answer? To study consumers better than ever before!

While there are many different ways to get these insights, organizations can employ emerging technologies to better understand their customers. For example, Artificial Intelligence (AI) gives companies the ability to use big data and transform it into actionable insights.

The Insights Deprived

Organizations are hungry for insights into what customers want, but there is a lot of information available about people in today's world. What's keeping companies from having the correct data? When organizations think about insights, they often focus on customer experience or feedback polls. However, when these sources produce unreliable results, they can close off opportunities to know their customers more nuancedly. Today's modern organizations are insights deprived; they cannot collect data efficiently and utilize it in meaningful ways. Insights are critical for companies who don't necessarily know what the customer wants because companies will not be able to grow into tomorrow without them.

Insights, while seemingly simple to the naked eye, are an extensive topic. Insights about improving products and services can be discovered by just observing consumers or focusing on what they're doing at the moment. Insights aren't just about getting feedback from people but also understanding why customers act the way they do when it comes to what they're interested in or not. Insights also cover a more extensive scope, as significant purchases are made for reasons that go beyond just the product itself. For instance, consumers may want more environmentally friendly appliances because it shows how much energy is being used and therefore benefits society. Insights can be gathered from different sources, but there are some significant roadblocks to getting them. Insights come from a variety of sources, which is part of the problem. Insights often fall short because they're based on what customers say or do at just one moment in time and aren't necessarily indicative of how they will act in the future. In addition, companies often face challenges when it comes to getting more than one perspective. Insights are an essential part of business, but not all sources or types of data collection yield effective results on their own. Insights can be drawn from observations of consumers' products, brand involvement, and even how products are used. Insights also come from market research (surveys or polls) and statistical data analysis to create reports. Insights are not easy to uncover, but they can be obtained through modern technological advancements.

Insights are challenging to gain because organizations aren't always using the right tools to get the results. Insights often rely on consumer feedback, but companies learn biased because customers don't always say what they mean. Insights would be easier to detect if companies paid attention to all the information that technology has available, not just a tiny fraction of it. Insights are crucial in today's global economy because it helps companies know whether their products and services meet consumers' needs. Insights are an essential part of business, but if companies fail to gather them, they cannot grow into tomorrow.

Organizations have a lot of data available about their customers, but this doesn't mean that the information is accurate. It may be possible for organizations to miss out on collecting insights without even knowing! Insights are the key to future growth because they can be garnered through studying consumers better than ever before, not just by relying on consumer feedback. Insights come from different sources, but organizations need to use them correctly not to be misguided. Insights are about understanding why customers act the way they do and what they're interested in, rather than just getting feedback from them. Insights don't necessarily come from what customers say or do at one moment in time, but this is often where companies get their wrong ideas from. Insights are not easy to gain because they often rely on consumer feedback, and organizations aren't always using the right tools to get the results they need. Nevertheless, insights are crucial in today's world because it helps companies know whether their products and services meet consumers' needs.

Artificial Intelligence the way forward

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to provide insights hungry organizations with information on their customers. AI offers advantages in many areas, such as predictive analytics and intelligence. It can be used to identify existing or potential future trends. This can be done using customer data and detecting patterns of behaviors for different groups of people. AI can see consumer behavior and notice which detail is essential, such as preferences related to specific brands, colors, sizes, etc. It also provides the standard features that allow companies to "talk" to their customers through digital channels and increase sales conversion rates.

AI takes existing trends and applies algorithms to find patterns for use in targeted marketing. This can help to optimize an organization's budget because activities are less likely to be wasteful. For example, AI can use customer data to detect when people are most likely to purchase online. Predictive analytics is also beneficial because it provides organizations with the ability to allocate budgets more effort example, this very. For example, this can be used to determine which incentives are likely to influence customers during specific moments in time, such as reminding customers of upcoming birthdays or anniversaries. These are only a few of the benefits that AI offers because it can provide insights hungry organizations with information on their customers.

However, AI is not without flaws. It might be challenging to identify opportunities to scale up when they are poorly executed for unknown reasons. Therefore, it is essential that organizations use data-driven results rather than just basing their decisions on opinions or traditional trends. Organizations need to recognize that customers are individuals with different personal preferences, and it is essential to be mindful of their diversity. In addition, there are limitations regarding how much information companies can gather from customers. For instance, if a consumer does not want to receive personalized advertisements via email or other communication channels, they may opt-out altogether of communication with the company. It is also difficult for organizations to maintain a solid relationship with their customers because brands should be authentic. Consumers can tell when a company is being fake and will eventually lose trust in the brand.

In conclusion, it should be noted that new technologies are constantly being developed to help organizations better understand their customers to market more effectively. However, there are gaps AI has and limitations on how much information can be gathered from customers. Organizations need to make sure they use data-driven results rather than opinions or traditional trends when making decisions. Customers are individuals with different personal preferences, and brands need to be authentic; otherwise, consumers may lose trust in the brand.

The positive impact of digital twins on business

It's no secret that businesses are in a constant race to stay ahead of the competition. That means they need to constantly innovate and improve their offerings, either by redesigning their current products or by creating new ones altogether. But how can companies know what changes will bring about the most success without risking too much? Digital twins offer an answer.

Digital twins, also called digital clones, are models of existing business processes created to test new strategies and improvements before implementing them on real people. This is so beneficial because it enables companies to see what would happen if specific changes were made and to identify potential risks associated with those changes beforehand. This allows them to make more informed decisions when making changes that impact their operation because it's done in a virtual environment.

Before digital twins, companies had to develop ideas for improvement and hope that things panned out once they were implemented. Nowadays, this is no longer necessary; instead, businesses can see what would happen using their digital twins before introducing the changes live. This also enables companies to operate more sustainably because they can test out their models before implementing them once and for all, minimizing risks of potential failure.

Most companies have realized the benefits of using digital twins in their work. For example, Toyota has created a twin for its factory to simulate changes without having to make huge investments first. Other brands are testing new models by creating similar but separate business processes so that they can compare results between both without risking too much. It's clear that digital twins are no longer an experimental innovation but are becoming part of the core business practices at many companies worldwide.

The business case for digital twins

Companies are beginning to use digital twins to create a model of their current business that would allow them to test new strategies and improvements. Digital copies of these businesses, which are created to test new designs and progress, reproduce the behavior of real people. This makes it possible to know what would happen if certain changes were made to their current workflows or product lines.

Challenges surround the use of Digital Twins, but they can prove beneficial aside from these challenges. One advantage is that virtual copies often produce more accurate results than projections made by human employees. This also allows managers to make better decisions about where their company should focus its energies on growth or expansion. Another benefit is that Digital Twins allow businesses to break free from limited resources potentially; this means having more freedom over how companies choose to deploy their assets. Beyond this, Digital Twins can also help companies be more nimble and efficient in products or services. For example, the digital copy of a factory used for testing can be changed quickly and efficiently to represent something entirely different from what is originally built.

The positive impact of Digital Twins on business is another reason why Artificial Intelligence has become so prevalent in today's business world. Companies are trying new strategies with the aid of nearly completely accurate models due to benefits like these. When combined with improved efficiency, Digital Twins are quite valuable assets for companies everywhere.

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twins a perfect harmony

The history of Artificial Intelligence dates back to the early days of computer science. One of the most popular theories about Artificial intelligence is that it is an artifact of human intelligence. There are many different types of Artificial intelligence. These include symbolic, general artificial intelligence, and cognitive.

Symbolic is symbolically programmed in a language that is not understood by humans or understood by humans with little understanding. General artificial intelligence is an approach to computing that will be made possible by merging three different fields: neuroscience, psychology, and computer science. Cognitive refers to the study and theory of mental function and consciousness and cognition and how it would apply to designing creatures other than humans like animals or robots.

Digital Business is a new field that is slightly different from the traditional fields in business. It will combine things like marketing, operations management, and information technology to create a whole new way of doing business.

Digital Twins are created by Artificial Intelligence which allows them to be digital copies of real-world objects or environments. Digital twins enable their users to make changes to their system without actually changing the physical properties of the object or environment being modeled. This means that products can be changed based on simulations without physical modifications in the product itself.

The positive impact of Digital Twins on business has already been seen in many areas, including logistics, engineering design process optimization, predictive analytics, data management software testing and validation, and many more.

Within the field of logistics, Digital Twins are used to monitoring the supply chain in real-time. Predictive analytics can be used on Digital Twins to determine when they will fail or what problems may occur with their environment over time. Data management software testing and validation is another area that they can be useful in. Artificial Intelligence relies heavily on data, making Digital Twins extremely useful for companies using this type of technology.

Many other industries such as healthcare, energy production, weather forecasting, space exploration, construction engineering, and urban planning are set to benefit from these technological changes. So we may see the age of Digital Twins and Artificial Intelligence in the next 10 years.

Pitfalls to avoid

While it is easy to examine the past and see what has happened, companies do not know how these changes will affect the future.

Some pitfalls that companies need to avoid when implementing digital twins are:

  • Lack of accuracy

  • Artificial intelligence that is not precise

  • Unrealistic predictions of human interactions

  • Lack of information about how changes in the past affected the future

  • Technology selection

  • Data validation and ensuring data free of bias

  • Lack of governance and validation process across different simulations

Why is it essential to avoid these pitfalls?

It is crucial to avoid these pitfalls because their business will suffer if companies do not prevent them. For example, if a company's digital twin does not accurately predict what would happen following a change in workflow or product line, then they may make unnecessary and expensive changes that could damage the company. Additionally, suppose the artificial intelligence used in creating digital twins makes incorrect predictions about how people will interact with specific modifications. In that case, this can lead to mistakes and irreversible damage to the company. Finally, without knowing how things changed when specific business decisions were made in the past, companies have no of knowing how others could affect their future. This makes it nearly impossible to predict the future and plan for changes that could happen.

How can companies avoid these pitfalls?

There are several ways companies can avoid these pitfalls:

  • Creating as many digital models as possible so that they have greater accuracy in predictions

  • Using more precise artificial intelligence, such as Quantum Artificial Intelligence, instead of imprecise AI methods currently used

  • Exploring how specific changes in the past affected their business and using this information to predict how other similar changes would affect their company's future profitability and workflows

  • Developing an accurate system that tells them what strategies worked best when implementing new ideas or improving existing ones. Enabling companies to know what to focus on when improving their company's workflow or products.

Digital twins are the positive future of business. By avoiding these pitfalls, companies will be able to take advantage of digital twins and use them to make more accurate predictions about their companies, leading to a better understanding of their customers and interactions with products. In turn, this may lead to improved products and workflows, resulting in healthier profits for the respective companies.

Closing thoughts

As the world moves towards a more digitalized landscape, business owners are looking for ways to innovate. Digital twins can help you do just that by testing new strategies and improvements without risking your current model or product line. The next time you’re thinking about changing how things work in your company, think of using artificial intelligence with digital twins to test out possible outcomes before diving in headfirst!

By creating digital models of their current business model, companies can speak to various specialists about how it would work in the future. From there, they can test-run new strategies and improve on these ideas with Digital Twins. The possibilities are endless when dealing with an infinite number of simulations for your company using artificial intelligence! Digital twins help you predict what would happen if certain changes were made to your workflow or product. With Digital Twins, owners can also see how their customers engage with the simulator and make any necessary adjustments based on that information.

The biggest benefit of using a digital twin as opposed to a more traditional method of improvement, such as A/B testing, is that you can simulate an infinite number of possibilities. Digital twins give you the chance to see what would happen if new policies or product lines were implemented. If you’re thinking about making changes in your company, don’t hesitate to use digital machines! These new products are the best way to move forward while keeping your current business model intact.

Why design thinking is the new innovation?

Design thinking is a method of creating new products and services by involving the people who will ultimately use them. Design thinking often addresses complex problems with multiple stakeholders, like businesses or customers' needs. Design thinkers are trained to solve these types of problems in an innovative way by working collaboratively to create solutions that meet many needs. Designers work outside the realm of traditional design--they invent methods for understanding customer needs and then prototype possible solutions through sketching, modeling, prototyping, etc. Design thinkers must be curious about both the world around them as well as their own assumptions about it; they must be able to observe behavior without judgment; they must be comfortable with ambiguity, and they need empathy for those they're designed for because it's important for designers not to impose their own perspectives on the people they're designing for. Design thinkers often use Design Thinking to solve complex problems with multiple stakeholders, but Design thinking can be applied to any problem at all!

Design thinking is also thought of as a "disruptive" innovation because it's so different from traditional design methods used in most businesses--it encourages designers to think outside the box and innovate. Design thinking has been around since the 1950s when it was introduced by Alex Osborn as a more human-centered method of brainstorming. Today, Design Thinking is used in many different types of industries, including enterprises, education, health care, and government.   

Design thinking teaches you how to engage others in finding solutions alongside you rather than working alone. Design thinking is a particularly good lens for looking at problems that have not been addressed in the past because it allows you to think about all of the possibilities and imagine new solutions. Design thinkers also tend to be great entrepreneurs, because they can see gaps in the market where no one has gone before and create new products or services to fill those needs. Design Thinking encourages a lot of creativity and critical thinking, abilities that are prized both by employers and universities these days.

Design thinking is basically the new design.

What do Designers Do? Designers think critically about problems, users and a viable solution before jumping into production. Designers share knowledge, Designers speak in terms of goals, Designers collaborate, Designers work with ambiguity, and Designers take responsibility for their mistakes. Design Thinking is a creative problem-solving process that uses human-centered methods to design solutions to solve complex problems. Design thinkers are curious designers. See the world from others' perspectives (empathy). Design thinkers see possibilities rather than limitations. Design thinkers make prototypes and test them quickly. Design thinkers immerse themselves in the experience they're designing for. The user comes first; everything else can change.

The need for Design Thinking

Design thinking is a process that can be applied to any situation and has been used by companies like Apple, Pixar, and IDEO. Design thinkers find creative solutions to problems and provide solutions outside the box. Design Thinking is used by designers to create possible solutions to the problems in which they are faced with, and then redesign their idea many times before finally implementing it. Designers use Design Thinking in the fields of design, architecture, engineering, and other fields that deal with complex problem solving because Design Thinking requires a lot of creativity to come up with new ideas.

Design thinkers have been integral players in various industries for decades. Design thinkers have played a part in transforming manufacturing firms from assembly line organizations at General Motors to more "human-centered" organizations. Design thinking has had an important impact on education thanks to Design Thinking pioneer, IDEO co-founder David Kelly who helped found the School of Design Thinking of Stanford University Design thinkers are needed to solve problems like poverty and environmental issues because they help pair people with resources in order to create better solutions. Designers use Design Thinking in industries like health care, food industry, energy efficiency, retail design creativity for building sustainable cities, product design, etc. and many more

Design thinking is basically applied psychology. You'll need some social science knowledge (like what cognitive science is) but it's not overly complex or anything--many famous designers don't really study it academically (they just do it by observing people). It's all about understanding how people behave. If you're really into Design Thinking, Design Sprint is a book that explains the Design Thinking process in detail with lots of fancy diagrams. Design thinking can be applied to anything but it's most often used for corporate innovation--so yes, many corporate companies are implementing Design Thinking right now (including design consultancies like IDEO).

Design thinking involves 1) empathy (understanding other people's perspectives), 2) ideation (brainstorming possible solutions to problems) and 3) prototyping (getting user feedback on your proposed solution). Design Thinking is basically an ideology that holds creativity as the key element of problem-solving. Design thinkers ask why? And then they play around with different possibilities until they come to something that works. Design thinking is also the process of crafting strategy, research, design, and development into a cohesive plan that engages people at every touchpoint design thinkers are more likely to be social scientists than designers because Design Thinking doesn't have an official standardized approach. Designers use design thinking methodologies for problem-solving but there isn't one way of doing it--it's just about getting ideas on the table and constructing something that works. Design thinking is all about creativity that uses human-centered methods to design solutions to solve complex problems.

Design thinking and applications in Artificial Intelligence

Design thinking is applied to Artificial Intelligence Journey because it increases the production of new ideas to solve complex problems. Design thinking helps people to rethink what they know about artificial intelligence. Design thinking increases the production of new ideas to solve complex problems by combining human intuition with digital tools. Design Thinking is an innovative way of having a more inclusive conversation about the future of AI.

Design thinking is a popular method for designing new products and services. Design thinkers focus on how users interact with a product, finding ways to improve user experience, rather than focusing on the technology behind the product. Design thinking is well-suited for solving complex problems that involve multiple stakeholders. Designers take into account both functional and emotional needs when developing a solution for consumers, which helps them create useful yet appealing products.

This innovative approach to problem-solving has become so widespread that even Google launched a Design Sprint program last year to teach their employees about this process! Google's Design Sprint relies heavily on research from Stanford Design Thinking Bootcamp. Design thinking is gaining more attention in the business world, and this method of innovation proves that design can be used to accomplish goals beyond art and aesthetics.

Designers use many tools to solve problems with consumers, including empathy mapping, which helps designers understand their users' needs across various dimensions. Design thinkers must also prioritize user experience when determining product functionality. Design thinking has shaped an entirely new approach towards consumerism, where companies are putting customers first by considering them throughout every stage of the design process. It's no surprise that innovative giants like Google have adopted this type of thinking in the workplace, as they understand how important it is to create solutions that meet today's consumer demands. 

Designers have started using artificial intelligence in their design process. Designers are able to create near-perfect physical products by using AI. This allows designers to focus on function rather than aesthetics, which will make their abstract designs a reality and drive consumer desire for these products. Design thinking is becoming the new innovation because of its function and creativity, and it will continue to pave the way towards creating more efficient and useful devices for consumers all over the world!

The future of Design Thinking

The future is now. Design Thinking is a problem-solving process that can be used to develop new products and services or improve existing ones. Design thinking has become more relevant than ever since it encompasses the idea of artificial intelligence (AI), which provides opportunities for human creativity.

Design thinking sits at the heart of innovation, but it also helps solve everyday problems by creating smarter ways of reaching goals. Designing products with people's needs in mind changes not only how they are developed, but facilitates easier use and improves customer satisfaction because people feel valued as both customers and individuals. Designers work together with manufacturers to ensure customer goals are met throughout the entire development process, effectively minimizing product failure rates. Design thinking has become an important part of business strategy for survival in the current marketplace.

Design thinking is an outcome-driven method that focuses on understanding people's needs, behaviors, and motivations to develop solutions that create value for them. Designers need to look into how products are made and other aspects of the product life cycle that can be improved before development takes place. Design thinking requires designers to think about their target audiences' challenges rather than simply focusing on designing a product; this could mean providing services instead of manufacturing goods all together. Design thinking also enables opportunities for creating sustainable products by learning more about how they are used in order to make them easier to recycle or reuse at the end of their lifecycle. Designing better products can provide benefits not only for businesses but for people as well; any type of problem, even seemingly small ones, can be solved through Design Thinking. Design thinking encourages people to approach their work in a creative way and find smart solutions to any problem they may face.

Design thinking is a method of creating new products and services by involving the people who will ultimately use them. Designers work together with all stakeholders to create innovative solutions that can be applied in Artificial Intelligence, as well as within other fields such as poverty or environmental issues. Design thinkers are now being trained on how to apply design thinking principles towards solving these complex problems which have multiple stakeholders for example: Design Thinking Principles Applied To Poverty. Design thinker's main goal is to "design" something better than what already exists out there, so it has become an important concept for innovators today. Design thinking should not only be used when developing tangible objects but also intangible ideas like service innovation because even though they may seem difficult at first glance, any problem can be solved through Design thinking. Design Thinking could be the next big thing in Artificial Intelligence because Design thinking can help bring humanity back to AI. Design Thinking is not only about solving problems by creating a new product, it's also about removing any unnecessary steps or barriers that exist towards achieving that solution. Design thinker's primary goal is "designing" something better than what already exists out there so instead of complaining and blaming others for all the negative things happening in this world, why don't we think of innovative ways to solve these complex challenges? Design thinking should not only be used when developing tangible objects but also intangible ideas like service innovation because even though they may seem difficult at first glance; any problem can be solved through design thinking.

The last call to adopt AI

To use AI tomorrow, you need to embark or extrapolate on your AI journey today—a journey that begins with a fundamental decision to remodel and repurpose your business with AI at the core.
— Anees Merchant

The coming decade will have no patience for businesses with old ways of working. Companies that continue to deliberate on adopting AI technologies will find themselves brutally snared between digital-born companies with inherent AI drivers and early adopters with highly operational AI, steadily losing customers over a widening gap in quality and intuitiveness of offerings. The time for organizations to be on the fence with AI is over.

The Covid pandemic has come when AI technologies have started maturing, with even scaled use-cases in several companies. Many businesses that had barely dabbled with AI as experiments before 2020 are now turning to rapid digital and AI-led transformations to tide over new economic challenges. As these small and local to large and multinational businesses accelerate their digital journeys, their capabilities have started to surpass their peers. Meanwhile, consumers with fast-growing digital savvy are increasingly choosing to interact with companies that provide more value, faster delivery, and a more intuitive purchase journey – all of which are enhanced by AI in a digital world. The AI Divide – that differentiates businesses that use AI intelligently versus those that don’t – is growing wider each day and will increasingly determine business success in every market and industry.

To survive and thrive in the next decade, businesses are going to adopt AI. And to use AI tomorrow, you need to embark or extrapolate on your AI journey today—a journey that begins with a fundamental decision to remodel and repurpose your business with AI at the core.

Let’s take a look at what’s holding many traditional businesses back and how the hurdles can be overcome.

The Building (or Stumbling) Blocks of AI Adoption 

  1. Culture – There was a time when people said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast, ” which implied that no amount of strategy change would work until you first changed your organization’s culture. But today, if you wait for the culture to change, there may be no breakfast left to eat! People often question their organization’s culture or their executives for failure to change. Remember, if your organization lasted and thrived the pandemic, there must be some goodness in it that has brought you this far. Why not focus on the good and use that as a starting point – How can you use AI to make your organizational strengths even more substantial? This way, you are augmenting what’s already there, and it’s easier because radically changing culture, attitudes, and perceptions is the most challenging thing to do in the world – and you can’t afford to let that process hold you back.

  2. People – The people who enable your AI processes are the fundamental blocks of your AI journey. Currently, there is a talent war growing, and there are severe talent shortages. Companies need to adopt a multi-level strategy to build teams. Organizations need to take a multi-pronged approach, assign a champion to lead the organization’s AI strategy, hire individuals (only if there are no available resources in-house), and infuse the team with business team members, ensuring the culture and actual business alignments. However, it is not always essential or feasible to hire AI specialists for everything. Businesses must realize you cannot do everything in-house, and you should not reinvent the wheel. It would be best to have an ecosystem with partner organizations to support your business’s exact needs and nature. These partner organizations could either be strategic business partners, technology platform providers, academia, or industry cohorts. The important thing is to not allow a shortage of internal resources to become a stumbling block and to move ahead by building your ecosystem.

  3. Technology – As a company, once you have made a fundamental decision to start actively adopting AI in your business process or model, the actual move to AI need not involve a complete one-time overhaul of systems or migration to one large platform that requires massive investment. Companies must take a “Lego approach,” that is, they must build their AI capabilities as a Lego structure within the organization. That way, you can quickly replace the systems or completely change your “Lego” structure pretty promptly and efficiently, and you don’t have to incur massive spending and drive wide-scale adoption all at one go. You could also leverage open source technologies like Python, R, Java, etc., making it easier to experiment and switch – unlike when you invest in a paid technology, you get tied to that company and are limited by what that company or technology can do. The key to technology adoption is to adopt a phased approach to derive the maximum business benefits that current technology can offer while keeping the door open to adopting new and evolving technologies in the future.

    The other important thing is to avoid benchmarking with substantial companies like Google or Amazon because their entire scale and journey are different. You have to identify what’s right for your organization, what AI means for you and keep evolving that statement as your organization matures.

  4. Data – When considering the prospect of using advanced analytics or AI, people often say, “we don’t have the data” or “we have bad data” to begin with. Yet, it’s rare that companies have no usable data. There is always enough data, to begin with. The real problem is when people have not identified the best use cases for AI or the most critical business challenges, to which existing data can then be mapped. It’s always the data inventory and data cataloging exercise that is vital for an organization to push forward. And you can always reach out to external consultants to do that for you.

Setting the Parameters of Success

  1. Accountability – Eventually, all AI strategy starts at the top. And this means that the CEO, CAOs, CDOs, and CIOs must be held accountable for AI investments. As this is your senior leadership, there’s no one else within the organization who can assess the investments’ value and success. Also, a CEO may only think they are answerable to shareholders who may not think long-term, while the AI journey requires a short-, mid-and long-term approach. One solution would be to have an additional board member or an advisor who focuses on this aspect. The other solution would be to have a ‘business performance scorecard’ that is entirely transparent within the organization, so the success parameters are well established and work as a clear guide and yardstick for the company’s AI initiatives. Most importantly, these parameters should provide room for failure because the trial is the only way to find what works best for your organization. And that brings us to ROI.

  2. Return on Investment (ROI) – In my opinion, when you define your company’s budget for AI, at least half the budget should be allocated for ‘learning’ in the first couple of years. So, for instance, if you assign $100 for AI initiatives, you must expect ROI on only $50 and consider the other $50 as a “learning budget” that, in turn, helps you recover your additional $50. That sort of equal focus on immediate returns and continuous learning helps build a genuinely workable, valuable AI journey.  


Today there are many well-recognized, proven use-cases in every part of the organization, from sales and marketing to supply chain, finance, HR, customer service, and others. And these are not small use-cases; many organizations have been able to scale them pretty effectively. All you need to do is begin somewhere.   

2020 has proven that businesses cannot afford to be in the deliberation stage over digital transformation anymore. The time to wait and watch on AI is over. Start or perish…