Reflecting on 2023: A Year of Transformation and Gratitude – My Journey in Spirituality, Health, Family, Professional, and Personal Growth

We are in the last few hours of 2023, and what a year it has been all around. I want to end the year with immense gratitude and look forward to a fantastic start to 2024. I started the exercise in 2021, and it has been a fruitful journey. It is an exercise where I sit and recount and put in my thoughts on how the year has been. 2023 has been one of the most significant transformational years for me spiritually, Physically, Mentally, Professionally, Family, and Passions.



I have never been closer to my spirituality like never before. Practices like mindfulness, breathwork, and following my little rituals have aligned me spiritually more than ever. With the practices growing on me every day, I was able to get connected to myself at a very different level; believe me when I say that spirituality can be a fantastic gateway for you to understand yourself and also align with your larger purpose. I can better align with my life purpose and where I should maximize my energy.  

My overall health:

I finally understood the power of my body, started appreciating my body, and understood that this was the only home I would ever have for my soul. I am closer to my body, able to understand what fuel it needs, wants, and what it is trying to tell me daily. My energy levels differ with mindfulness, breathwork, and conscious workouts. In addition, I can shed weight, which I haven’t been able to do effectively in the last three years. In addition, I have entirely given up caffeine and embraced the power of mushrooms such as Cordyceps, Reishi, and Lions Maine. These are not psychedelic mushrooms, but they have had a fantastic impact over the years on my neurotransmitters in the body. Embracing practices like cold showers, morning sunlight, and basic movements like steps have helped further my energy levels rather than focusing on stimulants.


I understand the power of being present with family, friends, and my larger social circle. I had the dirty habit of being engrossed in technology products like phones or laptops and pretending to be busy or wasting energy on endless things. The power of being present has given me an immense sense of love and affection, and getting to know my family and friends fare better than what I have been at. I now understand it is not just being in a moment physically, but being present with all of yourself has a very different feeling. I have never experienced emotions, which I have experienced in the last year.

Importance of a coach:

I was fortunate enough to have three coaches for the areas that mattered: mindfulness, body, and self-expression. I have been through coaching before; however, I understand that each coach has a different impact on the places you seek to improve and how each coach has a specialty and place in your life.

Professional life 

2023 has been nothing short of a roller coaster for me. With many changes and events shaping and reshaping my career in many ways, I have been able to implement and get stronger in the career each passing day. I spent nearly three months in the US working on an essential critical alignment for Course5 Intelligence Ltd. The three months were a transforming period for me, which not only helped me shape my current and future career. I am proud of how the team has been shaped and also the business we have built.

I can see interconnectedness in everything I do, and each aspect of my life impacts what it does to others. So, having that conscious perspective of interconnectedness enables me to channel my energy to ensure that I can capitalize on each of my life's elements but not get me to compartmentalize my focus.

There is more than what I can express for 2023, but with deep gratitude, I move ahead in 2024 with my heart filled with ambitions, and my mind focused on the goals I plan to achieve in 2024.

So here is wishing everyone a great holiday season and a very happy new year. Onwards and upwards, as always!