Anees Merchant

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Power Series: Why gift yourself each year on your birthday?

We are born on this planet Earth with a purpose and make an impact in our own ways. - Anees Merchant

Every one of us is important and born on this planet ‘Earth’ to drive something important and move each day by a second, minute, and hour. There are various emotions we go through the year and continue to focus on aspects to improve our lives and individuals around us. While we navigate the multiple facets of life (ups and downs), we often forget to appreciate the most important person, that is, ‘Us.’ The proposition applies to individuals who are in a capacity to earn or in a position to gift themselves.

So why gift yourself every year? The idea is not being selfish or think that you are alone in the world. We often are focussed on making individuals around us feel special and an essential part of our life. Out of love, we tend to express our gratitude and love either through gifts or objects which represent our love, compassion, or affection for the other person without an intention that the other person would reciprocate your expression. Often than not, we do get reciprocated by our near and dear ones. However, it is not necessary to expect the same gesture in return from everyone you care or show your compassion.

I often recommend to individuals that we need to learn to love ourselves first before we appreciate others around us. Many life coaches often suggest that we get ourselves goals that are SMART (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realist, and Timebound) for a year ahead. These goals should include personal and professional aspirations and need not be declared open to everyone. So what happens, once you achieve your goals, you quietly feel proud or have a sense of accomplishment. At this moment, if you truly have completed your goals and have overachieved them, then it is important you declare them and appreciate the milestones you have achieved.

The way of appreciation is giving yourself a gift (the most expensive in your benchmark) to self appreciate yourself. The self-appreciation is a self-gratifying process that gives you a personal high and provides a sense of contentment and calmness. You can pick a date in a year where you would mark such a moment. The best one, as per me, would be your birthday or other important dates which are monumental in life. I would also recommend that you do it once only, as that would hold the special meaning in life for you and would also set a personal goal each year.

If you follow such a practice then I would like to hear from you. Chao..