Anees Merchant

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Power Series: Agility

Today, we are all confined to our homes and locality without much movement. What sounded reasonable to all of us:

  1. Going to work/gym/other public places

  2. Taking public transports

  3. Eating out in restaurants

  4. Participating in events or other larger gatherings

Feels a distant dream and confinement to place or home was a scary moment or if we did if we had to take rest for a day. However, most of us are confined to our homes for weeks at a stretch now. The world has come to a standstill, actually humans and machines, yet, nature is blooming, and other living beings are thriving. The Pandemic of COVID-19 has challenged all of our thinking and movement in the so-called technology and thriving 20th century. 

The current times are challenging and world political leaders, large-medium-small organizations are relooking at their business models, and human beings at large are adjusting to a new normal at the same time contributing to fight out the pandemic. The novel Coronavirus doesn't have precedence Individuals, organizations, and countries would only thrive if they can quickly adapt to changing and evolving scenarios. The scenarios are rapidly evolving, and what seemed to be the benchmark yesterday has been disrupted today completely. Countries, organizations, and communities which have shown agility, swiftness, and accepting change have been able to arrest and control to an extent the situation.  

Agility is a mindset than a process that is either born out of a will or a necessity. Organizations that have been slow to adopt an agile mindset or methods are today, finding it difficult to survive or manage the current situation. What I fear is that, once hopefully, the pandemic is over, and either the circumstances take an upswing turn or goes in another direction, organizations again would not be prepared to manage it. The systems, checks, and controls would all go out of the window, and larger cracks would start forming within an organization.  

More so, industry experts deem that great leaders have to balance agility with consistency in the current state, and once we all come out of it, to adjust consistency would be the biggest challenge for many leaders. The past, present, and future all would have different benchmarks and standards that define consistency would be the biggest challenge. The only way to manage consistency would be to embrace empathy, listening, and to stay true to oneself, brand, and the country at large. Consumers and the nations would evolve at a rapid pace, and there would be new benchmarks set every day. The future would require a great sense of agility and the ability to balance the other moving pieces around oneself, organization, and the nation as a whole.

It is still not that late to develop an agile mindset, but those who don't would perish. Chao..