2022 has been a transformational year for me; I now look forward to 2023 to make the best year ever

Wow, what a year for me personally, and I am sure it’s been the same for each of you. But did I think the same way back, and the answer is no? I was introduced to a great exercise – the reflection exercise, which helped me appreciate and feel excellent about everything I have experienced this year. The same reflection exercise has enabled me to understand my shortcomings and where I fell short, either personally or professionally.

I am writing this blog with the intention of a yearly review of this past year which has gone by that, in a way, is a reflection but, more importantly, is a promise to ensure the coming time for the year(s) to me as an individual.

From Consumption to Creation

From an economic standpoint, creation offers a greater reward than simply providing what is already in demand. Creating something new gives individuals the opportunity to make something that satisfies their wants to create something. It also allows me to be more agile and responsive to changes in the market, as I can quickly create things for new problems as they arise. The entire approach of focusing on creation than consumption has enabled me to be flexible, which can give me an edge in my day-to-day life.

 In the last two years, creation has gotten more serious for me; it started with creating and writing weekly blog articles, launching my Podcast (Masters Decoded), bringing the Youtube channel started and being consistent with it.

 Making myself uncomfortable and in an unknown situation

I have realized that I have created a world and situation which has made me comfortable with what I do and experience in life. The year I started manifesting that I would like to put myself in an uncomfortable or participate in something which provides a new perspective on everything. I came across the LifePlugin summit, which I could have attended in April. However, I procrastinated and was finally able to participate in November. More about LifePlugin in future blogs. Similarly, I signed up for 1BillionSummit in Dubai in December, which enhanced my thinking on the creator economy.

Mindfulness and Breathwork

I have been a non-believer in meditation for the longest time. I have tried it before, and my mind couldn’t just sit still; it would keep bouncing around places and thoughts that did not save me. However, at the LifePlugin summit, my perspective on mindfulness and breathwork completely changed. I attended the conference and participated in the workshops for different types of mindfulness and breathwork practice which changed me in those three days. I would not want to spoil the entire summit's fun. If you want to discover, be yourself without any pre-judgments, experience friendship which you have never experienced before and get yourself in an uncomfortable position, I highly recommend the conference.

Continue to learn

I have evolved over the years by ensuring I continuously learn on topics aligned with my professional or personal passions. However, what has changed this year for me, my learning platforms have expanded manifold. I recently did a Youtube video on this topic on my channel, and you can look at the various platforms I go to every day to expand my learning.  Learning helps me stay ahead of the curve. This year, I am of a mindset that doesn’t run behind the certifications or testimonials but is more focused on documenting and storing the learnings in my second brain and furthering the training by imparting/sharing the knowledge with others.  

Enhance my knowledge of my body

At the start of the year, I got hit with Covid-19, and even after getting vaccinated and a booster, I contracted Covid again in late August, which was not a pleasant experience. Though biohacking has been significant on my agenda from the start of the year, I have been personally able to achieve the following: 

1.     Get better sleep even in my travels and am not intoxicated with harmful pills of Melatonin and other forms of Allopathic medicines

2.     Understanding food types that impact my Glycemic index has made me not have system crashes after lunch or dinner

3.     Understand the importance of small but essential movement and other physical activities, which includes walking that help boost my mood

4.     Reduce my caffeine intake significantly.

Though I haven’t been able to get my weight in control, that is the big plan for 2023, and hopefully, when I write this blog at the end of 2023, I can report the outcomes of my achievements on the health front.

The accountability and reflection exercise in crafting my significant learnings and takeaways from the year gone by is a self-fulfilling exercise. I plan to continue this path as the years pass by. Hopefully, in 40 years, when I am seated in my armchair and reading all the articles I have written, I can reminisce about the years gone by.


I wish you and you to make 2023 the best year we ever had.